Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Minutes from 10/22 Board Meeting (approved 11/26)



October 22nd, 2012

President Jacobs opened the meeting at 6:02 PM and Director King led the group in the flag salute.  Directors Jacobs, King, Schendel, Stapp and Wilkey were all present.  Guests in attendance were Barstow Heights residents, Tony and Teena Perez.

Our guests introduced themselves and expressed their interest in attending the meeting to learn more about what we do.  They mentioned that a neighbor of theirs on H Street had concerns about whether or not annexation into the City of Barstow is probable, so they also hoped to find answers about that. The Board agreed that even though it had been brought up at a City Council Meeting earlier in the year and that anything could be possible, it isn’t very likely to happen in the near future. The majority of Barstow Heights Residents seem to prefer living in the County and are opposed to being annexed into the City.  The City would need approval and votes from the residents to make it happen, and they would be up against a considerable amount of opposition, making it very unlikely to happen anytime soon.

President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items.  Director Stapp motioned to accept the minutes of the September 24th, 2012 Meeting, along with the Financial Report for September 2012 as presented.  Director Schendel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence was offered for review.  President Jacobs shared an invite to a mini-tour of the Mojave Water Agency facilities in Apple Valley coming up November 8th, in case any of the Directors might be interested in attending.

H Street Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  The Board had questions about some of the items mentioned on the list. Is the slide that has a hole in it closed off for Safety?  Are the grounds-keepers cleaning out the ashes from the barbecues as noted or is that something we need to address?  The Secretary was directed to talk with Mark Gerardi to ask these questions and then let the Board know the answers by e-mail this week.  President Jacobs reported that the Ground Squirrels seem to be winning again and that more cartridges need to be set off, but this time they need to be discharged at the very same time that we gain access to set off cartridges inside the locked water tower compound as well.

The Bid Sheets for General Improvements were reviewed.  President Jacobs gave the Secretary a list of specific details to be added to Bid Sheets 12-02a (Parking lot - clean & fill cracks) and 12-02b (Parking lot – slurry seal & paint lines) that will be needed for review and approval for the work to be done early next Spring (Feb-Mar) and Summer (May-Jun).  The Board then discussed Bid 12-03 (Tree maintenance).  One bid from Town & Country Tree Service was received, but the Board had a lot of questions about the estimate including the concern about whether or not it is recommended that any of the trees be removed due to their age.  Director Schendel took the Bid with him so he can discuss it with the owner to gather more information from him before a decision can be made.

Venner Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  The Secretary was directed to let Mark Gerardi know that we are currently working to address the need to renovate the Horse Shoe Pits. The Secretary will also ask him which Sign is missing (as is noted in the report).  The Gophers appear to be gone for now.  Bid Sheet 12-01 (Horse Shoe Pits) was addressed.  Director Schendel volunteered to look into the cost to replace the front-edge boards.  The sheet for Bid 12-04 (Landscaping) was reviewed and the Board directed the Secretary to rename it “Proposal” 12-04.  President Jacobs gave the Secretary a list of suggestions for wording Proposal 12-04 and directed her to have it typed up and ready for approval at next month’s meeting.

The Board briefly discussed the Conflict of Interest Code that they were given that morning.  They determined that they needed more time to read and review the document before making a decision whether or not to approve it.  The Secretary was directed to notify the County that we needed more time to review it and to contact the former GM to ask if there is a back-up disk that contains this document (and where it might be) in case any changes or updates need to be made.

The Secretary informed the Board that the Fall Newsletter is completed, is ready to be copied and mailed, and that she would get that done before the next Board Meeting.  She also informed them that the Website/Blog (www.BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) had been updated once during the past month to include last month’s Board Meeting Agenda and the approved Minutes.

The General Manager/Secretary apologized that the Agenda, Financial Statements, and Conflict of Interest Code paperwork for the current meeting were not mailed, but were finished late and had to be delivered to them that morning.  She admitted that the work-load at the office had been over-whelming her for the past couple of weeks and that it has been taking her longer than she had expected to complete some of her tasks.  She promised the Board that she would be able to have a much better handle on everything by the next meeting.  Director Stapp also reminded her how important the Thank You letter to Mr. Salazar is and that it needs to be done right away also.

President Jacobs requested Director’s Reports.  There were none.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid.  She indicated there were none.  Director King motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  There was no new business to address.

The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 26th, 2012 at 6:00 PM.  Due to his travels for the Thanksgiving holiday, Director Wilkey will be unable to attend.  The meeting adjourned at 7:22PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jen Rubio

Monday, November 26, 2012

Agenda for 11/26 Board Meeting

November 26, 2012 - 6:00 PM

1.  Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.  Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

3.  Public Comments/Questions

4.  Consent Items:

                        Minutes – October 22, 2012

                        Financial Report – October 2012

5.  Correspondence

6.  Parks:           H Street:              Safety Check List, Ground Squirrels, General Improvements,

                  Bid sheet 12-03 Tree Maintenance

Venner:                Safety Check List, Gophers, General Improvements,

                  Bid sheet 12-01 Horseshoe Pits (Venner only)

                  Proposal 12-04 Landscaping

7.  Review Conflict of Interest Code

8.  Review the Audit

9.  Website/blog - BarstowHeights.blogspot.com

10.  General Manager’s Report

11.  Directors’ Reports

12.  Bills:         Edison - $107.00                    Terminix - $34.00                            Verizon - $82.39

                         Postmaster - $315.00           Printing Solutions - $106.24          D.B. Whitford - $750.00

                         D.B. Whitford - $5150.00

13.  New Business

14. Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1

15. Adjournment

Fall Newsletter that was mailed 11/16

Please click on the documents below to see them larger so you can read the text more easily! If you are a resident that did not receive a newsletter by mail, please contact our office so we can send one to you and include you in our future mailings!