Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Minutes from 6/24 Meeting (approved 7/22/13)

June 24th, 2013

President Jacobs opened the meeting at 6:02 PM and Director Wilkey led the group in the flag salute.  Directors Jacobs, King, Schendel, Stapp, and Wilkey were all present.  There were no guests in attendance.

President Jacobs requested that a review of Budget Resolution 2013-1 discussed at last month’s meeting be added to the Agenda after the Correspondence.  The secretary mistakenly left that item out of the May 20th Meeting Minutes, so the Board agreed to take a roll call vote on it again.

President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items.  Director King pointed out a typo he found in the fourth paragraph of the Minutes that needed fixing.  Director Stapp motioned to accept the corrected Minutes of the May 20th, 2013 Meeting, along with the Financial Report for May of 2013 as presented.  Director Schendel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  President Jacobs abstained from the vote due to his absence from the May 20th meeting.

The Correspondence was offered for review.  The Board of Directors opted to take no action on the SDRMA or CSDA District 5 Elections.

Budget Resolution 2013-1 for FY 2013-2014 was read by President Jacobs and adopted by the following roll call vote:

President Jacobs          Aye
Director King               Aye
Director Schendel        Aye
Director Stapp              Aye
Director Wilkey           Aye

The Secretary was directed to re-type the Resolution with the corrected date of June 24th, 2013 for President Jacobs to sign.

H Street Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  Director Stapp reported that the Ground Squirrel problem continues to be minimal and that he will continue to set off extermination cartridges as needed.  The Secretary reported that the City work crew had stopped by her office to pick up the new Rules and Regulations signs that they then posted in the parks.  Two signs were mounted back-to-back on the wooden post in the center of H street park, and one sign was mounted above the North-most picnic table area at Venner Park (replacing the damaged sign that had been there).  The former Rules and Regulations sign already posted between the restrooms at Venner Park was left there, since it is still legible and in good condition.  The Board agreed to wait on determining whether or not to trim the trees as previously discussed, in light of the new possibility that the two oldest Elm trees be removed and replaced with a new covered picnic area that could include four new tables on a concrete slab foundation.  President Jacobs shared diagrams he drew that show which two trees would go and where the new shaded picnic areas could be located.  Director Stapp asked about the dimensions of the project and President Jacobs replied that he would measure the area so he could provide him with more answers at the next meeting.  President Jacobs expressed his desire that construction begin by February of 2014 so that the project could be completed by next Spring, when the parks tend to get the most use.  Director Wilkey agreed that would be ideal.  The Board agreed that they would like to add the item to the Agenda for continued discussion next month.  The Secretary reported that her son was out of town again, and that his proposed Eagle Scout Project (improvement ideas for the basketball court and office areas) may not end up working out because her son has recently expressed more interest in other project ideas.

Venner Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  The Gophers appear to be gone and are not a problem for now.  The Secretary reported that she noticed one of the new trees appears to have been damaged (broken support poles).  She was directed to let the City know and ask John Heald of Unique Landscaping to fix it.  The Secretary also reported that Unique Landscaping finished all of the work previously requested, and that she was very pleased with their quick response.  The Board reviewed the newest estimate from Unique Landscaping to install a new Irrigation System for the trees on the Northwest side of Venner Park for $589.  Director King motioned to hire Unique Landscaping to do the work, provided that the estimate includes the cost of piping water to all 9 trees (including the Palm Tree behind the restrooms) as well as all of the tunneling under the sidewalks that would need to be done.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Director Wilkey shared that he is interested in adding three benches to the newly landscaped area.  He wasn’t sure if we would want cement benches, like the one already in place near the lady bug rider, or if something else would be better.  He volunteered to research it more and asked that it be added to the next Agenda for further discussion.  The Secretary was directed to also ask Mr. Heald of Unique Landscaping for an estimate to fix the sprinkler system outside the office building and to go ahead and get that repaired right away if it is less than $200.

The Auditor’s Agreement with David B. Whitford Jr., CPA was reviewed.  Director King motioned to accept and sign the engagement letter.  Director Schendel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Safety Review Report was read by Director Stapp.  The Board agreed that it was acceptable and that the Secretary would mail it to SDRMA as usual.

The Policy and Procedure Manual was discussed briefly as the Secretary provided a sample index she found that would guide her in creating a more detailed outline of what should be included in the manual.

The General Manager reported that she continues to keep the Blog (BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) and Facebook pages updated (93 “likes” on the Facebook page currently).  As of June 12th, she has been working for the District for one full year.  She also reported that she printed new business cards that reflect her new office hours and that the Directors are welcome to take some to give out if needed.  She reported that she recently noticed that the stone marker outside the office shows that BHCSD was founded in 1958 and that the District will be celebrating its 55-year anniversary on September 30th, 2013.  She also reported that she is beginning to gather information to add to the annual newsletter, so it can be ready to mail to residents on September 1st.  Finally, she asked the Board of Directors how they would feel about having future meetings audio-recorded.  It would be helpful for her to have the recording to review when she types up the Minutes and it could offer the District added legal protection as well.  The Board did not object to the idea, but asked her to research all of the best recording options and determine what it might cost before adding it to a future Agenda.

President Jacobs requested the Directors’ reports.  Director Stapp expressed his concern about finding a replacement Board Member before December and encouraged the other Director’s to help him find someone by next month if possible.  He directed the Secretary to work on getting a vacancy notice published in the newspaper again to notify the public.  He also asked the Secretary to please write another letter to the County to request an update from them about what road work they are planning to do in our area in the coming year.  Director Schendel mentioned the recent burglaries that had been occurring in the Heights and asked if anyone knew anything more about whether the suspects had been caught.  Arrests in Adelanto and Apple Valley had been rumored about, but no one knew for sure.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid.  She indicated there were none.  Director Schendel motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Director King seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Board of Directors went into an Executive Session at 7:04 PM, to discuss personnel.

The Board reconvened to Regular Session at 7:18 PM.  President Jacobs motioned to increase the Secretary/General Manager’s salary by $1.00 per hour, to begin on July 1st, 2013.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 22nd, 2013 at 6:00 PM.  The meeting adjourned at 7:21 PM.

Submitted by:
Jen Rubio
Secretary/General Manager

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Agenda for 7/22 Board Meeting


July 22, 2013 - 6:00 PM

 1.   Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.   Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

3.   Public Comments/Questions

4.   Consent Items:

                        Minutes – June 24, 2013
                        Financial Report – June 2013
5.   Correspondence

6.   Parks:        H Street:           Safety Check List and Ground Squirrels
                                           New covered picnic areas, tables, and tree removal
                                                    Improvement Ideas for Basketball Court and Office Area

Venner:           Safety Check List and Gophers
                         New Irrigation for trees on Northwest side

 7.   ASBCSD Membership

8.   Policy and Procedures Manual

9.   Website (BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) and Facebook page activity

10.  General Manager’s Report

11.  Directors’ Reports

12.  Bills:               Edison - $119.71          Terminix - $36.00          S.B. Co. (LAFCO) - $21.25
                               Heart Plumbing - $304.75

13.  New Business

14.  Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99 (A) and Personnel GC54957.1

15.  Adjournment

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Heat Safety Tips for Pet Owners

By Staff Reports

(Victor Valley)– The San Bernardino County Animal Care & Control Program would like to remind pet owners to be extra watchful of pets when temperatures rise this summer. Pets are vulnerable to high temperatures, especially during a heat wave, and are unable to cool down their bodies as humans can. Animals left outside in high heat temperatures can suffer from heat-related stress, burned paws, sunburn, and even death. Pet owners are advised to follow these simple hot weather tips to keep their pets healthy, safe and alive.
  • Make sure pets have plenty of fresh clean water every day and that the water container is stable to avoid tipping over. If traveling or leaving the home with a pet, always carry sufficient drinking water for it.
  • Bring pets inside during the hot time of the day and let them rest in a cool part of the house.
  • Make certain pets have plenty of shade if they are to be kept outside. Remember, the shade your pets have in the morning will either change or diminish as the sun moves throughout the day and may not protect them.
  • Never leave pets in a parked vehicle, even in the shade with windows cracked, temperatures can reach a dangerous 120 degrees inside. The vehicle is quickly turned into a furnace and can kill any animal!
  • Don’t force animals to exercise when it is hot and humid. Exercise pets early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • In extremely hot weather, do not let pets stand on sidewalks or hot asphalt to avoid burning their paws.
  • Pets can get sunburned too! Keep pets out of the sun during peak hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Put sunscreen on pet’s unprotected areas such as tips of noses and ear tips, especially on short haired fair-colored pets.
Remember pets can suffer heat-related stress and danger just as humans can, so take extra precautions during this summer’s rising temperatures and protect them. For additional information, please call the San Bernardino County Animal Care and Control Program toll free at 1-800-472-5609 or visit their website at http://www.sbcounty.gov/dph/acc/.

Source:  http://highdesertdaily.com/2013/07/heat-safety-tips-pet-owners/?utm_source=HDD+718&utm_campaign=Test&utm_medium=email