Thursday, December 4, 2014

Minutes from 10/27 Meeting (approved 12/3/14)

Monday, October 27th, 2014

President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM and the Secretary led the group in the flag salute. Directors Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, and Hayhurst were present. Director Wilkey was absent due to birthday plans his wife had made for them. There were no guests in attendance.

President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items. Director Schendel motioned to accept the Minutes of the September 22nd, 2014 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for September of 2014 as presented. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence file was offered for review. President Jacobs read a portion of a letter from the San Bernardino County Fire District that notified us that the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) determined that damages suffered due to the August Winter Storms did not meet the minimum threshold for individual assistance through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). He read that furthermore, “If private property owners in your jurisdiction are in need of assistance, it is recommended that they contact their insurance carrier, access the County’s 2-1-1 information and referral line, or refer to the publication enclosed.” The Secretary was directed to share the information online via the blog and Facebook. She will also mail copies of the letter and enclosed flyer to all of the residents who submitted initial flood damage estimate surveys. President Jacobs also complimented the Secretary for the letter she had written and sent to Mr. Bill Little, Public Works Operations Supervisor, and his boss, thanking him on behalf of the Board of Directors for the excellent job that he had done for our community recently in dealing with the flood aftermath and cleanup/recovery efforts.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The City had recently swept the parking lot at Barstow Heights Park thoroughly with a water truck, a tractor, and a brush sweeper. The Directors were pleased with how nice and clean the parking lot now was. President Jacobs reported that he thinks the ground squirrels are starting to hibernate, as he’d only discovered 3 new holes in the past month. Director Hayhurst mentioned that she noticed that the weeds around the office compound were already beginning to grow back.  The Secretary reported that B.E.S.T. Opportunities would be returning again on 11/26 (and once every quarter) to trim shrubs, remove weeds, and rake the area. Director Hayhurst requested that she ask B.E.S.T. opportunities to spread weed killer this time if they are able to.

The Board then addressed the engraved Plaques to honor Mrs. Kelley and Ms. Davis. The estimates received indicated that the cost would be $150 each for either size (10x10 or 12x12), so the final price to order both would be $324 including sales tax. The Directors agreed that they preferred the larger size (12x12) and did a final proof-read of the text. They made a few revisions, including the spelling out of the words August and June (instead of abbreviations) and adding the years that Mrs. Kelley served on the Board (1975-2011). Director Hayhurst motioned to approve the purchase of both 12x12 Plaques as presented, with the revisions specified. Director Schendel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Secretary was directed to get the Plaques ordered.

Bid 13-03, the newly completed Covered Picnic Areas, were addressed next. President Jacobs reported that Mr. Harris had just given the Secretary the final invoice along with all of the paperwork that included the site plans/drawings, building permits (one for each canopy), and signed inspection records. President Jacobs had advised the Secretary to pay the final bill, minus 10% of the total price, until the Board could review whether or not the contract had been completed to their satisfaction. The Board discussed a few minor items that still needed some attention, including a broken tension wire at the bottom of a chain-link fence, a few tractor marks left in the dirt and grass that needed filling in, and uneven fill dirt on the side/slope of the ramp that still needed some leveling so that the grass alongside it can be mowed. The steepness of the drop off near the top of the ramp was also a concern, although that issue had not been specified or addressed in the original contract. President Jacobs volunteered to talk with Mr. Harris to make sure these final items are fixed and the Secretary will pay the remainder of the balance due as soon as they are resolved. The Secretary was also directed to type up a “certificate of completion” to sign and present to Mr. Harris as well. The Board discussed the idea of using large river rocks to cover/pave the dirt slope on the West side of the ramp, similar to what has been done at the high school and sports-park. The Board took a recess at 6:32 PM to go outside to inspect/see the ramp and the dirt slope that needs addressing. The Meeting re-adjourned at 6:43 PM. President Jacobs requested that he be given some time to get feedback from Mark Gerardi before determining what should be done about the slope and the Board all agreed to research and come up with any additional ideas/options they have on their own so it can be discussed again at the next meeting. Director Hayhurst motioned that upon completion of the three items previously discussed, the Board of Directors consider the Construction Project (Bid 13-03) done to their satisfaction and that Harris Construction be paid in full. Director Stapp seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Venner Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The Secretary was directed to follow up with Mark Gerardi about getting the parking lot cleared and swept just as clean as the parking lot at Barstow Heights Park had been. The Board discussed the Bid from John Rowe to put in a retaining wall at Venner Park where the dirt slope had eroded due to flooding. The Board had a lot of questions about the specifics of the project. Director Hayhurst suggested that the Board discuss the matter again next month when Director Wilkey could be there and would be able to explain the specifics of the project, since he had been the one to discuss the possibilities with Mr. Rowe before the proposal had been received. President Jacobs directed the Secretary to also request more information from Mr. Rowe, perhaps a drawing/diagram that shows more clearly the details of the work that he is proposing to do.

The maturity of Bank CD’s was addressed next. The General Manager and the Board determined approximately how much money would still be available to pay upcoming bills, taking into consideration the usual projected income, and concluded that the motion passed at the previous meeting to cash in a CD that matured on 10/27 would not really be necessary. Director Hayhurst motioned that the Secretary should NOT cash out the CD (account ending in 1164) and instead allow it to roll over. President Jacobs seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Director Stapp suggested that the Secretary research and request updated rates from Desert Community Bank (looking into the possibility of whether foreign bonds at a higher rate would be an option), so the Board can determine if the current investments are getting the best returns possible. She was directed to get more information about those options so the Board can discuss it again at the next meeting.

The General Manager reported that the Auditor would be visiting the office to finish up the Audit on Tuesday, November 4th. She had also completed a free two-hour “Emergency Preparedness and Response” online webinar that was provided by CSDA and SDRMA on October 9th. She also reported her plans to attend a Cal OES “applicants briefing” meeting at the San Bernardino County Fire District Headquarters in Rialto on Wednesday, November 5th. As an applicant, the District could potentially be reimbursed for our costs that resulted from the August 3rd flood. As a public entity, the District may still be eligible for reimbursement; the letter of denial received recently only applied to individual residents/applicants.

President Jacobs requested the Directors’ reports. They wished Director Wilkey a Happy Birthday (in his absence) and had nothing further to report.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid. She indicated that there was one additional bill for $211 from CSDA (annual membership renewal for 2015). Director Schendel motioned to pay the all of the bills as presented. Director Stapp seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There was no New Business to address and no Executive Session needed.

The next Regular Meeting was tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 19th or Wednesday, December 3rd or Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 6:00 PM (depending on which date the Auditor will be available to attend to present the Audit Report). The Secretary will bring/provide pizza and ice cold water/sodas for the Board and guest(s) to enjoy just before the next meeting (5:45pm), as is the annual year-end tradition. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM.

Submitted by:
Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

County Response Letter to August Flood Damages

 We are sorry to report that no individual assistance will be available from the County
to help residents with recovery of their costs associated with the August 3rd storm.
See the following pages for more information about where to seek additional help.

If the following two documents are showing up too small to be legible,
please visit this link here to go to a page where you can click on and
open the document for printing (or open to see it larger):
Enclosure - page 1 (above)

Enclosure - page 2 (above)