Monday, April 27, 2015
President Jacobs called
the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Secretary led the group in the flag
salute. Directors Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, Wilkey, and Hayhurst were all present.
There were no guests in attendance.
President Jacobs
requested a motion on the Consent Items. Director Stapp motioned to accept the
Minutes of the March 23rd, 2015 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for
March of 2015 as presented. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. The motion
carried unanimously, with Directors Schendel and Hayhurst abstaining due to
their absence from the March meeting.
The Correspondence file was
offered for review. President Jacobs read a letter from the General Manager/Secretary
requesting to take her one week of paid vacation time this summer, during the
week of July 7-9, 2015. Director Stapp motioned to approve the request.
Director Schendel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Barstow Heights Park was
addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report was
clean with no deficiencies noted. The report also stated that sink faucets in the
Men’s and Women’s Restroom had recently been repaired. President Jacobs
reported that the Ground Squirrels seem more determined to survive, but that he
would continue to be more determined to get them with the gas cartridges he’s
been using. The Secretary reported that Critter Busters would be coming on
Wednesday 4/29 to inspect the office area and park and give a free estimate of
the cost to control the Ground Squirrels. The secretary was told that while they
do offer trapping services, trapping will only catch one squirrel at a time and
is more expensive. As an alternative to trapping, the company suggested using
baits and bait stations that are more affordable and more effective.
The outdoor Plaques to
honor Mrs. Kelley and Ms. Davis were discussed. The Board took a break from the
meeting at 6:12 PM to go outside and look at the park together to determine the
exact location where they would like the Plaque to honor Dorothy Davis to be
located. The meeting reconvened at 6:20 PM and the Board agreed that they would
like to have the Plaque mounted on a cinder block pedestal to be located in the
grass between the fork in the sidewalk that runs North and South between the
two new covered picnic areas.
The Long Range Plans for
Barstow Heights Park were addressed. The Secretary reported that the planting
of three new Trees and the installation of the Deep Watering System that the
Board had approved at the previous meeting had been completed by Unique Landscaping
as of Wednesday 4/8. The Board was happy with the job that had been done. The
purchase of additional Picnic Tables, BBQ’s, and Trash Cans from Pilot Rock
(also known as the RJ Thomas Manufacturing Company, Inc.) was addressed next. After
some discussion, Director Wilkey motioned to approve the purchase of two of
each item listed on the price quotation, plus eight of the athletic benches
totaling approximately $7,000 for everything including the shipping by freight charges, permitting
that a location to ship, unload, and store it all is secured. Director Schendel
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. President Jacobs will contact
Mark Gerardi to ask if the City would be able to help provide the District with
a location where the items can be delivered, unloaded by fork-lift, and
securely stored briefly until we hire a contractor to pick up, assemble, and
install them at the Parks. The secretary will continue to research options for
adding a street lamp to the East side of the basketball court.
Venner Park was addressed.
The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report was clean with no
deficiencies noted. While discussing the Long Range Plans for Venner Park, it
was suggested that more trash cans are really needed there. Director Wilkey
motioned to amend the previous motion to include the purchase of two
additional trash cans (for a total of 4 trash cans, 4 dome lids, 4 cable kits,
and 4 pedestal mounts). Director Schendel seconded the motion. Motion carried
The Office Building and
Compound were addressed. The Secretary reported that she was very happy with the
two new lighting fixtures that Director Stapp and President Jacobs had recently
installed inside the office. Director Stapp will submit the receipt to the
Secretary so the District can reimburse him for what he spent on the new
lighting. Further discussion about the need for a new Bulletin Board was
postponed and will be addressed again at the next meeting.
The Audit agreement for
FYE 2015 was discussed. Director Hayhurst motioned to hire Paul Kaymark with
The Pun Group, LLP to prepare and provide the upcoming Audit. Director Schendel
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The Policies and
Procedures items on the agenda (the updated Code of Ethics and the Safety
Policy) were postponed for further discussion next month.
The 2015/16 Budget
Workshop was held. The Secretary will prepare the Budget Resolution to be
reviewed and adopted at the next board meeting.
The General Manager
reported that the County warrant money coming in (the portion of the property
tax dollars received gradually throughout the year) arrived in large amounts during
April, which means that the District currently has about $20,000 more than what
the March financial totals/statements show. She also reported that the post she
shared on Facebook last week warning the public about an increase of vehicle
break-ins in the area had just approached 367 views and was being shared and
commented on online.
Director Hayhurst made a
few comments about the recent Governor’s executive order asking for a 25%
reduction of water use. It was her belief that if we calculate the square
footage of Barstow Heights Park and subtract the two sections (20x40 feet each)
where cement slabs for the new covered picnic areas went in recently, the
District has likely already met that reduction requirement. She also shared
that as the drought continues, grass should be maintained only where it makes the
most sense (like in our parks where children play on it) and not just for
beautifying any hill or area where it is rarely seen or utilized. There were no
additional Director’s Reports to be discussed.
President Jacobs asked
the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid. She indicated that
there were none. Director Wilkey motioned to pay all of the bills as presented.
Director Schendel seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no New Business
to address, but an Executive Session was requested by President Jacobs at 7:17
PM. The meeting resumed again at 7:18 PM. The next Regular Meeting was scheduled
for Monday, May 18th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.
Submitted by: Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager