Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Minutes from 5/18/15 Meeting (approved 6/22/15)

Monday, May 18, 2015

President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and Director Hayhurst led the group in the flag salute. Directors Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, and Hayhurst were all present. Director Wilkey was absent due to a family vacation. There were no guests in attendance.

The Consent Items were reviewed. President Jacobs motioned to accept the Minutes of the April 27th, 2015 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for April of 2015 as presented. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence file was offered for review. President Jacobs shared one piece of mail received from Cal OES (Governor’s Office of Emergency Services) that was dated April 30th, 2015. It was a letter of notification that the District’s request for reimbursement for the August 2014 Flood Damages at Venner Park had been approved and a check from the State for $8,052 had also been received.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report showed that fallen tree branches caused by recent wind storms had been removed from the park on 5/13/15 and there were no other deficiencies noted. The Board reviewed the free estimate/proposal that Critter Busters had provided to the District to control ground squirrel activity around the park and office building through the placement and maintenance of five tamper-resistant, ground squirrel bait stations. President Jacobs had done a little research on his own and proposed that it would be more affordable for the District to purchase (locally through McCoy’s Country Feed and Farm Supply) and maintain its own bait stations, if that would be the desired method of controlling them. Director Hayhurst reported that she had talked with Perry Dahlstrom, General Manager of Golden State Water Company, about how the District’s attempts to control the Ground Squirrels at the park weren’t working because the squirrels are burrowing under and finding refuge to survive inside the fenced water tower compound. Perry had suggested that an electric fence installed inside and near the bottom of the fence surrounding the compound would be very effective. Director Hayhurst estimated the cost to be less than $200 and offered to work with the water company to get an electric fence purchased and installed. The Board agreed that it would be worth a try and gave her the go-ahead to work on that solution. President Jacobs then reported that the extermination gas cartridges were running low and motioned to approve the purchase of another box of them. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Secretary will get another box of gas cartridges ordered through the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services and Pocatello Supply Depot.

The Pedestals on which to mount the Plaques to honor Mrs. Kelley and Ms. Davis were discussed. President Jacobs presented a drawing that included the dimensions of the Pedestal that is currently already in place at Venner Park that honors Mr. Venner. The person who built the concrete and block structure last time was no longer available to do the work. President Jacobs reported that he had someone in mind that did work for him recently that he was very happy with (John Rowe). President Jacobs volunteered to offer the job to him and get it done. Director Hayhurst requested that further discussion and the choosing of a date for a plaque Dedication Ceremony be put on the Agenda again in August, so that it can perhaps be scheduled sometime in late September or October.

The updated list of Long Range Plans for Barstow Heights Park was reviewed. The Secretary had received an updated and final price quote of $6,240 plus $885 for shipping by freight ($7,125 grand total) for the purchase of (2) Picnic Tables, (2) BBQ Grills, (4) Trash Cans, and (8) athletic Benches from Pilot Rock (also known as the RJ Thomas Manufacturing Company, Inc.). If submitted within the next week, the order could be expected to arrive approximately July 15th and Mark Gerardi had agreed upon the date and location at his warehouse where the items will be unloaded by fork-lift and securely stored briefly until our contractor can pick up, assemble, and install them at the Parks. President Jacobs will stop by the office early in the week to sign the check, so the Secretary can get them ordered. The secretary updated the Board that she had been in contact with Southern California Edison again and is expecting another phone call and a visit from a technician to discuss and determine the options we have for adding a street lamp to the East side of the basketball court.

Venner Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report was clean with no deficiencies noted. The updated list of Long Range Plans for Venner Park was reviewed. President Jacobs asked the Directors to please come to the next meeting with suggestions for where exactly to locate the new Benches (perhaps 5 or 6 at Venner Park and 2 or 3 at Barstow Heights Park).  He also asked the Directors to take a look at the Fitness Area and Equipment so they can share any ideas/input at the next meeting about upgrades that they’d like to see done there.

The Office Building and Compound were addressed. The Secretary was given the go-ahead to call a Contractor to come in and give an estimate for patching all of the holes/cracks in the walls (interior) including the removal and filling of the large hole where the old cooler still rests, as well as, have the walls painted in a more modern shade of taupe. The Board then discussed the options for the new bulletin board to be installed in front of the office building. They agreed upon a 46”L x 6”W x 36”H single-sided message center with double door from Belson Outdoors (model # MC4636-SS-DD in light brown). Director Schendel motioned to order the message center as specified. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Director Hayhurst requested that Agenda item numbers eight and nine be switched, because whatever is decided on number nine (Board of Directors Compensation) could affect number eight (2015/16 Budget Resolution 2015-2). There were no objections, so item number nine was addressed first.

Director Stapp reported that he had been curious about Government Code 61047 (Board of Directors Compensation), so he had done some research on it and had provided the Board with copies of the current California Government Code. He discovered that the current $60 stipend had not increased for at least the last 15 years (since the year 2000 or prior). President Jacobs pointed out also that each Director individually has the option of accepting or not accepting any/all of the stipend earned for each meeting. The Board agreed that an increase to $85 would be reasonable, but didn’t feel comfortable going up to the maximum allowed amount of $100 per meeting. Director Hayhurst motioned to increase the Directors Compensation to $85 per meeting beginning July 1st (the start of the next Fiscal Year), and that the Secretary amend the Directors Compensation Policy to comply with the current Government Code limiting the pay up to a maximum of six (6) days per month. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The 2015/16 Budget Resolution 2015-2 was reviewed, approved, and adopted by the following roll call vote:

Richard P. Jacobs, President                        Aye
Daryl R. Schendel                                           Aye
Robert M. Stapp                                             Aye
Paul V. Wilkey                                                 Absent
Jeanette L. Hayhurst                                      Aye

The Secretary will submit copies of the Budget Resolution to the County of San Bernardino Auditor/Controller, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and the Auditor, as is the standard procedure.

The revised Code of Ethics was reviewed. Director Hayhurst motioned to approve it. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The revised Safety Policy was reviewed. Director Hayhurst motioned to accept it. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The review of the Purchasing Policy (and bidding procedures) was tabled and will be addressed again at a future meeting. More time was needed to review and understand the New Prevailing Wage Laws and Director Hayhurst will find another District’s policy that will help the Secretary with writing the new one.

The General Manager had nothing further to report and there were no additional Director’s Reports to be discussed.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid. She indicated that there were none. Director Schendel motioned to pay all of the bills as presented. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

There was no New Business to address and no Executive Session requested, but an Executive Session will be held near the conclusion of next month’s meeting to conduct the Secretary’s annual employee evaluation (the Secretary will have served the Board for three years, as of June 12th, 2015).

The next Regular Meeting was scheduled for Monday, June 22nd at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Submitted by:  Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

Friday, June 19, 2015

Agenda for 6/22 Board Meeting

Monday, June 22nd, 2015 - 6:00 PM

1.   Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.   Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

3.   Public Comments/Questions

4.   Consent Items:    Minutes – May 18th, 2015
                              Financial Reports – May of 2015

5.   Correspondence

6.   Parks:        Barstow Heights:    Safety Check List and Ground Squirrels
                                                            Pedestals for Plaques to honor Kelley/Davis (completed)
                                                            Long Range Plans
                                                                        Purchase of picnic tables (2), barbecue grills (2),
                                                                                    trash cans (4), and benches (8)
                                                                        Street Lamp added to East side of basketball court

                        Venner:                      Safety Check List
                                  Long Range Plans - Trash cans and Benches (location)

7.   Office Building & Compound:       Long Range Plans - Bulletin Board (ordered)

8.   Safety Review Report    

9.   Resolution 2015-3 (Board of Directors and Secretary Compensation Policy)

10. Policies and Procedures – Banking Policy, Purchasing Policy, Sick Leave Policy

11. General Manager’s Report

12.  Directors’ Reports

13.  Bills:         Edison - $102.05                                 Terminix - $40.00
                        USPS - $49.00 (100 stamps)                USPS - $164.00 (annual PO box rental)
           City of Barstow - $128.91 (plumbing repair)  JDR Construction - $1,200.00 (pedestals) 

14.  New Business

15.  Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99 (A) and Personnel GC54957.1

16.  Adjournment