Monday, July 29, 2019
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting
called to order at 6:31 by President Stapp. (start time delayed to
accommodate overtime work for a Director) Pledge of Allegiance led by Director
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene Low and Jim
3. Approval/consent items:
of 7/1/19, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a
second by Director Stradling. Director
Schendel abstains. Motion carried/items approved
with no opposition.
4. Correspondence is reviewed by President Stapp. No
major issues to discuss.
a. Park Maintenance Agreement
discussion is deferred due to current City changes. Delivery options for park equipment
replacement/repairs were discussed by Board.
After discussion Board determines shipment will be delivered to Director
Low’s house. Carol will follow up with
i. Directors have been
informed that Terri Peralta and Randy Crank who both worked for the City of Barstow
have retired. Carol spoke with Mike Brown who is the Interim Director at this
time. He indicates position has been
advertised. No safety check lists
provided due to above status of City of Barstow.
b. President Stapp conducted
squirrel removal by office and inside fence of water tank area. Message was received about tarantula wasps at
Venner Park. Carol will contact
Terminix. President Stapp replaced
basketball nets at the park. No
squirrels at Venner park. Carol will
contact Merrell & Johnson Engineering again about plans for the Beryl St.
side of park.
6. Office building and area:
-- Roof replacement and air
conditioning removal/replacement are complete.
Directors ask that Golden State Water Co. rep attends next meeting to
update status of the water tank. Carol
will contact Jesse Ramirez.
a. Kathy Fiero has been contacted to
proceed on sign creation. Director Low
and Troy plan to work on window grates 8/3/19.
b. Carol asked the Board about
upgrading some of the office furniture and was advised to start looking at
7. Written General Manager’s report was submitted to Board in advance
for review. No follow up questions by
Directors. Report will be a permanent
park of these minutes.
8. Directors’ reports.
None given by Directors at this meeting.
9. Roundtable, AB1234 compliance training is briefly discussed. Carol will double check on expiration dates
of training previously taken. Current
Board vacancy will be further explored with consult from attorney at CSDA. Carol will follow up.
10. Executive Session pursuant to GC 54956.9(A) and GC
54957.1 is not required.
Adjournment at 7:30 p.m.
Next Regular
Meeting: Monday, August 26, 2019 at 6:00
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting
called to order at 6:06 by President Stapp. Pledge of Allegiance led by Director
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene
Low and Jim Stradling.
3. Approval/consent items:
of 7/29/19, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Stradling to approve with
a second by Director Schendel. Motion
carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Correspondence is reviewed by President
Stapp. No major issues to discuss.
a. Park Maintenance Agreement
discussion is deferred until after meeting with newly hired Park and Rec
Superintendent Kyle Woolley. Mr. Woolley
contacted Carol and indicated his formal start date is the beginning of
September and he is also a licensed Certified Park Safety Inspector. Delivery of equipment for repairs should
arrived on or about 9/6/19 to Director Low.
b. Barstow Heights Park--President Stapp indicates
squirrels under control. Director Low
indicates there may be one in the upper parking area of the Heights Park. President Stapp also spoke with Custom Shade
Canopies and work to replace destroyed shade cover should begin the week of
9/3/19. Venner Park---President Stapp replaced basketball nets. No further calls regarding wasp nest received
and Terminix was to check the area and no information was received from them.
6. Office building and area:
a. Kathy Fiero has been delayed starting
office sign due to work commitments.
After review of outside of office with Carol, several issues were
addressed by Troy who indicates he can do the work. In addition to removal and painting of
window grates, issues exist regarding painting of new facia board,
repair/replacement of peeling paint on outside doors, eaves and wood trim. Directors agree to have Troy begin work on
grates and submit a bid for the other work.
b. Carol is still looking for office
furniture to fit the needs.
7. BHCSD Safety Review Report:
Reviewed by Board and signed by Safety
Coordinator Stradling. Motion to accept
report by Director Low, second by Director Schendel. Report approved with no opposition.
8. Written General Manager’s report was submitted to
Board in advance for review. Proper
procedure for Board appointment is still pending. Suggestion by President Stapp regarding
appointment at next meeting. Auditor
Paul Messner has started yearly audit and was at office this date. Carol will also follow up regarding email
from LAFCO suggesting yearly audit may not be required. Carol also notifies Board of Form 700 filing
requirements. Director Stradling to complete. Al Fiero to be contacted regarding agreement
of work for District. Report will be a
permanent part of these minutes. (See office for copy)
9. Directors’ reports. Director Schendel asks that inquiry be made
to Roads Department about cracks in lower heights that may be a result of
recent earthquakes. President Stapp
reviews need for engineering work regarding upgrades to Beryl Street side of
park and will contact Merrell-Johnson Engineering for follow up.
10. Roundtable, AB1234 compliance training is to
be completed by Directors Schendel, Low and Stradling. Discussion of changing regular meetings to
Tuesday night is held. Motion made by
President Stapp to change meetings to fourth Tuesday of the month, second by
Director Low, no opposition. Motion is
passed. Meetings will now be on the
fourth Tuesday of the month beginning September 24, 2019.
11. Executive Session pursuant to GC
54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1 is not required.
Adjournment at 7:17 p.m.
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 26, 2019
at 6:00 p.m.