Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Updated Notice of Board Vacancy!

(the deadline for applicants has been extended,
so PLEASE SHARE this with anyone you think
might be interested in the position):

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Minutes from 11/26/18 Meeting (approved 1/28/19)

Monday, November 26th, 2018

President Stapp called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM and then he led the group in the flag salute. Four directors were present (Stapp, Jacobs, Schendel, and Low). There was one guest, Jim Stradling, in attendance.

The first item of new business the Board discussed was the resignation email received from Director Jeanette Hayhurst on October 15th. Director Jacobs motioned to formally accept her resignation. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The secretary will make and send her a letter of thanks from the District.

The consent items were reviewed. The secretary informed the Board about the unavailability of the bank statements that are necessary to reconcile the checking and savings accounts. This unavailability resulted in the September and October Financials not being ready for review. Director Schendel motioned to accept the minutes of the October 8th, 2018 meeting, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The correspondence file was passed around for review.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow had not been received, so the board was unable to review it. Director Jacobs continues to keep the ground squirrel population under control. The need for trash can lid replacements was discussed again. The secretary reported that she had learned that the approximate cost would be $109 per lid, plus the cost of freight shipping and taxes. Mark Gerardi had suggested that the District replace at least 10 of the old metal lids that were severely rusted at BHP and 5 at Venner Park with the newest option, plastic/fiberglass lids. Director Jacobs motioned to approve the purchase of 20 brown plastic trash can lids (5 being extras to have on hand to use as replacements when needed). Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The general manager will order the lids.

Venner Park was addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The list included a broken swing that had been replaced with a new one on 10/4 and a fallen tree that maintenance workers had cut up and disposed of on 10/9.

The office building and compound were addressed. The Board discussed the estimates from R. Sanchez Roofing and Clemmer Services to re-roof the office building again. The secretary reported that Sun Harvester, Inc. will be coming during the next week to see/inspect the heating and air-conditioning unit on the roof to provide an estimate to do the same work that had been requested of Clemmer Services (which includes removing the equipment before the re-roofing and replacing it after the new roof is completed). She should have the additional bid very soon, so the board can compare and decide who to hire at the next board meeting.

The Board reviewed the rough draft of the “Notice of Board Vacancy,” drawn up and provided by the secretary. The secretary will revise the notice to include the options for applicants to mail or email their resumes and letters of interest to the District, in addition to delivering them in person. When asked, the secretary explained briefly what government codes 1780 and county elections code 10515 stipulate. Director Jacobs motioned to approve and release the revised notice to the press (which also includes publishing it on the blog and Facebook page). Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The general manager reported that the Audit field work would finally be happening during the first week of December.

President Stapp asked if there were any directors reports. They briefly discussed a home that appeared to be abandoned with lots of junk left in the yard. The secretary was directed to report it to county code enforcement. Director Low commented on how he and his wife had been encouraged by noticing how nice and well-maintained some of the homes in the neighborhood are looking recently.

President Stapp asked the secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She indicated that there were no new bills in addition to those listed on the agenda. Director Schendel motioned to pay all the bills, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

There was no new business to address and no executive session requested. The next regular meeting was scheduled for Monday, January 28th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 6:48 PM.

Submitted by:        
Jen Rubio
Secretary/General Manager

Friday, January 25, 2019

Agenda for 1/28 Board Meeting

Monday, January 28th, 2019 - 6:00 PM

1.   Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.   New Directors (welcome and swear in)

3.   Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

4.   Public Comments/Questions

5.   Consent Items:      Minutes – November 26th, 2018
                               Financial Reports – September, October, November, & December of 2018

6.   Correspondence

7.   Parks:         Barstow Heights:         Safety Checklist and Ground Squirrels
                                                            Trash Can Lids – on order

                         Venner Park:              Safety Checklist
                                                            Playground Inspections

8.   Office Building & Compound         New Roofing - including fascia boards
                                                            Removal and Reinstall of AC/Heating Unit

9.   Board Vacancy

10.   General Manager’s Report

11.  Directors’ Reports

12.  Bills:          Edison - $82.39 (Dec.)                         Edison - $141.17 (Jan.)
                        Terminix - $46.00 (Dec.)                     Terminix - $46.00 (Jan.)
                        Frontier - $92.53 (Dec.)                      Frontier - $102.74 (Jan.)
                        Al Fierro - $65.00 (Dec.)                     Al Fierro - $65.00 (Jan.)
                        Golden State Water - $129.29 (Dec.)
                        Stewart’s Business and Tax Service - $150.00 (quarterly accounting)
13.  New Business

14.  Executive Session - Litigation GC54956.99 (A) and Personnel GC54957.1

15.  Adjournment