Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting
called to order at 6:04 by President Stapp. Pledge of Allegiance led by Director
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene
Low and Jim Stradling.
Guests present: Paul Messner, Auditor
Mr. Messner explains process
of audit. Engagement letter starts
process. Review of financial records and
understanding of how business is conducted is done with a review of the
billing, purchases and payroll, all cycles within the process. After completion a representation letter is
submitted. Mr. Messner’s findings;
everything represented is correct, no findings of fraud and books are neat and
organized. One suggestion is given. Board is advised that invoices should show
evidence of Board approval (i.e. initials/date). Carol has already ordered a stamp that will
fit the need for this. Mr. Messner is
thanked for his attendance and information provided and leaves at 6:32.
is held by Board regarding findings and suggestion. Approval procedure will be implemented.
3. Approval/consent items:
of 9/24/19, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a
second by Director Stradling. Motion
carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Correspondence is reviewed by President
Stapp. District received certificate from SDRMA for a claim free year. No other discussion.
a. Barstow Heights Park—Pictures have
been provided by Mr. Woolley regarding the condition of some of the equipment
in need of corrections. Squirrels seem
to be under control right now. City of
Barstow will replace three fruitless mulberry trees damaged by city equipment. City workers have been more visible clearing
out trash from the park.
Venner Park—Pictures have been provided by Mr. Woolley on the
condition of some equipment in need of corrections as well. Wooden sign for the park is deteriorating and
needs replaced.
Regarding corrections needed to both
parks. Carol will contact company that
did repairs/replacements on or about October 15th to notify them of
issues and get information. Possible
meeting between company and city may be needed.
6. Office building and area:
a. Kathy Fiero sent a text to Carol
regarding sign status. She is busy but
hopes to have it done in two weeks. Still waiting on bid from Gregg Lint to
paint the eaves, facia and trims on the building. Carol will also contact Troy
Burnett for bid. Weeds bordering park on
H Street and Beryl need removed, Carol will work on getting someone for this.
b. Carol has found two options for
desk/workspace replacement. Motion to
approve purchase of Harbor View pieces is made by Director Low with a second by
Director Schendel, motion carried/purchase approved with no opposition. Carol will order.
7. Written General Manager’s report was submitted to
Board in advance for review. Only old financial records/bills will be purged at
this time and prepared for destruction. Due to conflict and holidays next and
final meeting for 2019 will be on Monday, November 25, 2019 at 6p.m. Report
will be a permanent part of these minutes. (See office for copy)
8. Directors’ reports. Only verbal report given by President Stapp. He will be setting up a meeting with Kyle
Woolley regarding contract with City for park maintenance. He also contacted Merrell Johnson Engineering
regarding the Beryl Street project and will follow up.
9. Roundtable. Motion to approve Auditor’s Report is made by
Director Schendel with a second by Director Stradling. Motion carried/approved with no opposition. Board vacancy is discussed by Directors and
response from CSDA General Counsel D. McMurchie is reviewed. Options given are special election for March
2020, mail ballot for May 2020 or further research into the Legislature’s
passage of the validation statutes.
Carol will contact the Board of Supervisors for further information.
10. Executive Session pursuant to GC
54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1 is not required.
Adjournment at 7:41 p.m.
Regular Meeting: Monday, November 25,
2019 at 6:00 p.m