Tuesday, January 21, 2020
5:30 p.m.
1. Meeting
called to order at 5:30 by President Stapp and leads Pledge of Allegiance
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene
Low and Jim Stradling.
Guests present: Kyle Woolley
3. Approval/consent items:
of 11/22/19, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Schendel to approve with a
second by Director Low. Motion
carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Correspondence: President Stapp briefly reviews and indicates
he will review in more detail and report back to Board.
a. Barstow Heights Park—Removal of
cottonwood trees brought for vote.
Motion made by Director Stradling to have two trees removed by Tree Pros
at a cost of $1850, second by Director Stradling. Director Lowe abstains from vote. Motion carried, no opposition. Tree replacement will be done during next
seasonal planting.
Venner Park—Reported canopy damage was not found by President
Stapp or Mr. Woolley upon inspection.
Cables were recently tightened.
Park Maintenance Agreement—Meeting was held on 12/17/19 with City
personnel, follow up meeting for April or May.
Regarding both parks. Mr. Woolley gives written and oral report of condition. City to repair swings and lifting rubber at
Venner park. Both parks need more wood
chips. Mr. Woolley recommends looking
into ADA compliant materials. Signage at
Venner Park has some exposed metal which City will fix. Updated address and CPR signs will be ordered
by City and placed at both parks.
Re-keying of locks is in progress.
Old camera on top of light pole at H Street park will be removed by the
6. Office building and area: Gregg Lint is waiting for warmer weather
(6o degrees) before starting painting.
Sign is done and waiting for completion of painting of building. President Stapp notes a possible water leak
by bush in front of office. Carol will
ask Al Fiero to check it. New furniture
is awaiting assembly.
7. Written General Manager’s report was submitted to
Board in advance for review. No
questions from Board. Additional
comments; Carol will check into the credit incentive offered by SDRMA in lieu
of the quarterly safety report. 2019 tax
information will be sent to Debbie at Stewart’s Tax this week. Report will be a
permanent part of these minutes.
8. Directors’ reports. None given.
Ethics training for Board.
President Stapp and Carol will both follow up with CSDA for status.
9. Roundtable. None.
10. Executive Session pursuant to GC
54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1 is not required.
Adjournment at 5:55 p.m.
Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 25,
2020 at 6:00 p.m.