Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Water Safety


Real ID from DMV

DMV Offers Free REAL ID Upgrade – High Desert Daily

(Victor Valley)– The Department of Motor Vehicles invites all eligible Californians who received driver’s licenses or identification cards during the pandemic but did not get a REAL ID to upgrade now for no additional cost. This offer is set to expire at the end of the year.

An office visit is required to get a REAL ID. During the pandemic, the DMV temporarily expanded eligibility to renew online or by mail to include Californians age 70 and older, and customers who had reached their limit on out-of-office renewals – customers normally required to renew in person. The DMV expects to issue about 5.7 million driver’s licenses and IDs that are not REAL IDs between March 2020 and July 2021 to customers eligible for one. A fee is paid at the time of driver’s license application for a new license or renewal. That fee will be waived for the customers who received a non-REAL ID during that time if they upgrade now at dmv.ca.gov/realidupgrade.

“We don’t want Californians to pay the price for not getting a REAL ID during the pandemic,” said DMV Director Steve Gordon. “While the federal government has extended the enforcement date for a REAL ID, there is no need to procrastinate. If you act now, you can take advantage of this offer and upgrade to a REAL ID for free.”

Beginning May 3, 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will require a valid passport or other federally approved document, like a REAL ID driver’s license or identification card, to board flights within the United States and access secure federal facilities and military bases.

To apply for a REAL ID, an applicant must provide a valid Social Security number, proof of identity and two proofs of California residency. A list of qualifying documents and other helpful information can be found at REALID.dmv.ca.gov.

The DMV is taking many steps to improve its services and make getting or upgrading to a REAL ID easier. By filling out the REAL ID application at REALID.dmv.ca.gov and uploading their documents, Californians can make an appointment, bring their confirmation code and documents with them to a DMV office at their convenience, even the same day, for express service – no appointment necessary. Once at a service window, it now takes less than 10 minutes to complete the REAL ID transaction.

The DMV encourages Californians to act now to complete the online application for a REAL ID before they come to the office and to be prepared with the appropriate documents to speed the process for everyone.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Minutes of May 25, 2021 ***Approved 6/22/2021***


Tuesday, May 25, 2021
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:02 by President Stapp, Director Roeder-German leads Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene Low and Blythe Roeder-German. Director Stradling absent. No guests present.
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 4/27/2021, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Roeder-German. Motion carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Parks:
a. Barstow Heights Park— President Stapp conducted squirrel control. This time seemed to be more effective than previous time. Septic tank for park was flushed on 5/25/2021. Company recommends regular monitoring of tank. One net is loose on a basketball hoop. President Stapp will reattach to rim. Board discusses putting in a second basketball court and the current one is frequently used. Possible locations discussed, most convenient is next to current one. Director Schendel will explore options.
i. Beryl Street sidewalks, curb and gutter project was discussed. President Stapp contacted TRLS Engineering in the Victor Valley regarding project. After telephone discussion with them, it was determined that plans would cost $4000 to $8000. In addition to that JDR construction previously indicated that concrete work would run over $30,000 for each area. In addition to that would be County costs. Board decides to table project.
b. Venner Park— One spring rider in the park needs replaced. Price received from Pacific Play Systems for replacement, however, Board wants replacement like broken toy. Carol will check with company.
5. Correspondence: Correspondence reviewed by President Stapp prior to meeting. Items to note is LAFCO has revised their rates. Golden State Water is seeking approval through the PUC to raise rates. Auditor-Controller letter indicates that this district’s allocation for 2020-21 is $72,283.64 with general tax levy contribution of $2999.59 (total of $75,283.23).
SDRMA premium is coming due. Motion made by Director Low to pay insurance with a second by Director Schendel. Motion carried and approved with no opposition.
6. Office Building and Area: Al Fiero did yard clean up and maintenance.
7. Written/Oral General Manager’s report: Written report to become a part of these minutes. President Stapp will adjust security cameras that need done. Auditors was discussed, Carol will further research firms. Pest Control was done. Budget worksheet given to Directors to prepare for next month.
8. Directors’ reports: Director Schendel reports former Director Jacobs stopped by his shop. He also indicated that he paid a current employee of his business to pick up trash and clean up by the L Street exit. No reports from remaining Directors.
9. Executive Session pursuant to GC 54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1(a)(6) is not required.
Adjournment at 7:04
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Agenda for June 22, 2021 Meeting

 Regular Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: President R. Stapp
Directors: D. Schendel, G. Low, R. Stradling, B. Roeder-German
1. Call to order and Flag Salute
2. Roll call/Acknowledgment of guests/public comments/questions
3. Approval/Consent Items
Minutes of May 25, 2021
Financial/reconciliation reports
Financial Transaction print-out
4. Parks
a. Barstow Heights
b. Venner (toy replacement)
5. Correspondence
6. Office Building and Area
7. General Manager’s Report
8. Directors’ Report (roundtable)
9. Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1 (General Manager/Salary review)
10. Budget for 2021-2022 Fiscal Year
Adjournment –
Next Meeting Date: July 27, 2021, 6:00 p.m.

San Bernardino County is Open!!