(Approved 5-3-2022)
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:02 by President Stapp, Pledge of Allegiance led by Director Roeder-German.
2. Directors present: Ronald Stradling, and Blythe Roeder-German. Daryl Schendel and Gene Low not present.
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 2/22/2022, financial reconciliations and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Stradling to approve with a second by Director Roeder-German. Motion carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Parks:
President Stapp indicates that safety reports need to be provided again by the City for the Board’s review. Carol will notify Kyle Woolley.
a. Barstow Heights Park— No updates other than the squirrel situation needs addressed. Carol will heck on grant status and pursue other bids for playground equipment.
b. Venner Park— No updates to report.
5. Correspondence: Reviewed by President Stapp. Noted to Board is a list of properties up for auction in the district, and LAFCO vacancy information.
6. Office Building and Area: No real updates. Al Fiero has resumed regular maintenance of the area.
7. General Manager’s report: Written report reviewed by Board. Board members in attendance agree to push next meeting back to 5/3/2022. Carol will notify those not present.
8. Directors’ Reports (roundtable): Very brief discussion held regarding upgrading the appearance of the office. More information at the next meeting.
9. Executive Session: Not required.
Adjournment at 6:40
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk