Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Meeting Minutes of July 26, 2022 (approved August 23, 2022)

REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (approved 8/23/2022)

Tuesday, July 26, 2022 6:00 p.m.

1. Meeting called to order at 6:02 by President Stapp, Director Stradling leads Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Directors present: Schendel, Low, Roeder-German. Guest Sabrina Ellis from City of Barstow, resident Becci Craig and Sgt. Darren Gilmore from San Bernardino Co. Sheriff’s Office. **
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 6/28/2022, financial reconciliations and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Roeder-German. Motion carried/items approved with no discussion/opposition.
**Comments/information from Sgt. Gilmore: Heights in general is mostly a quiet area. Regarding parked vehicles after 10-11pm at the parks, deputies will question them. He indicates manpower is sufficient for area, if extra patrols are needed, just contact the office. He also offers advice/information regarding cameras
4. Parks:
Ms. Ellis is present submits written reports on both parks to Board. Board reviews reports and notes issues pending/resolved. Heights Park bathrooms are still not 100%. She is asked about the grass not being mowed and will check on status.
Hours of parks and authority over rules was discussed by Board. Also discussed was signage for both parks, replacing some and adding new will likely take place soon.
A. Barstow Heights Park— President Stapp spent time on squirrel eradication earlier in the day. Noticed ants on the part patios, pest control will be asked next month.
i. Grant status/update: On-going and current. Reimbursement from state is submitted after check is cashed.
ii. New playground equipment/walk-thru: Check signed for deposit to have new equipment ordered. Board does walk around at park and discussion is held regarding current equipment and utilizing that in some way. Possible inspection for refurbishment or even moved. More information will be sought.
iii. Water tank and everything within the fenced area will be removed by Golden State Water. The water meter in that area will be moved out next to the parking lot and all underground piping will be abandoned. The fence will remain. Uses of property is discussed by Board.
iv. Squirrels: Eradication devices used today. Irish Spring soaps seems to be keeping them away from the office building.
v. Tree replacement: Carol will email the City for status. It’s the tree on the south side of H St. Park near Beryl.
B. Venner Park— Park sign is falling apart.
Regarding both parks, bathrooms need major repair or remodel. Also, signage posted in both parks needs reviewed and updated. Dumpster is needed for each park. Possibility of program from Burrtec Disposal. Carol will also contact Sheriff’s Office to see about attendance at next meeting.
5. Correspondence: Almost none to review President Stapp. No action taken.
6. Office Building and Area: No issues to report.
i. Internet service: Office will be changing to Spectrum telephone and Internet.
ii. Director openings/elections: Director Stapp leaving when term ends in November, Ms. Craig may be interested.
7. General Manager’s report: Written report submitted to Directors prior to meeting. Cost of camera replacement to be explored. Discussion held regarding dumpsters placed at both parks due to trash issues. Motion made by Director Roeder-German to place 1½ yard dumpsters at each park for a 90-day trial period, then re-evaluation, second by Director Low. Motion carried, no opposition. Directors approved giving a copy of the gate key to Al Fiero.
8. Directors’ Reports (roundtable): None offered.
9. Executive Session: Not required.
Adjournment at 7:38 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Agenda for August 23, 2022 Meeting

Regular Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: President R. Stapp
Directors: D. Schendel, G. Low, R. Stradling, B. Roeder-German
1. Call to order and Flag Salute
2. Roll call/Acknowledgment of guests/public comments/questions
3. Approval/Consent Items
Minutes of July 26, 2022
Financial/reconciliation report
Financial Transaction print-out
4. Parks
Trash dumpsters update
a. Barstow Heights
i. Grant status/update
ii. Existing equipment
iii. Tree replacement update
b. Venner
5. Correspondence
6. Office Building and Area
a. Director openings/election
b. Al Fiero compensation
7. General Manager’s Report
8. Directors’ Reports (roundtable)
9. Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1
Next Meeting Date: September 27, 2022

Minutes of June 28, 2022 (approved July 26, 2022)


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

6:00 p.m.


1.  Meeting called to order at 6:00 by President Stapp who leads Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Directors present: Schendel, Low, Roeder-German. Director Stradling not present. Guest Sabrina Ellis from City of Barstow present                                 

3.  Approval/consent items: Minutes of 5/31/2022, financial reconciliations and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Schendel to approve with a second by Director Low. Motion carried/items approved with no discussion/opposition.

4.  Parks: 

          Ms. Ellis is present submits written reports on both parks to Board. Board reviews reports and notes issues pending/resolved.

          Barstow Heights ParkPresident Stapp spent two hours on Sunday and Monday on squirrel eradication and twenty-one devices were used. Women’s and Men’s restrooms still required attention, sinks still not working. North entrance stairs need repair. Pole on water tank fence on parking lot side needs corrected. Minor vandalism (tagging). A mulberry tree has died because of trimmer blade striking trunk. City needs to replace. Security cameras need adjusting due to some vandalism in the bathrooms. Carol will start the process of new equipment order as a result of the grant monies available

          b. Venner Park— Horseshoe pit is missing a stake. Minor issues on some of the equipment and concrete is uneven on the basketball court.

          Regarding both parks, bathrooms need major repair or remodel. Also, signage posted in both parks needs reviewed and updated.  Dumpster is needed for each park. Possibility of program from Burrtec Disposal. Carol will also contact Sheriff’s Office to see about attendance at next meeting.

5.  Budget 2022-2023: —Resolution 2022-1 prepared for Board. Final vote taken proposed budget passed 4 Aye/0 Nay. Director Stradling not present. Resolution signed by President Stapp.               

6.  Correspondence:  Reviewed by President Stapp. Note letter received from Registrar of Voters regarding 2022 election. No action taken.

7.  Office Building and Area:  Squirrels remain an issue, there is a hole right by the front door. There are some five-gallon jugs behind the building that should be removed.

8.  General Manager’s report:  Written report submitted to Directors prior to meeting. Assistance with ‘purge”/coverage for Carol upon any absence is briefly discussed. Director Schendel will contact Al Fiero about his status.

9.  Directors’ Reports (roundtable):  President Stapp reports a minor issue with the District’s bank, but that has been resolved. No other Directors provide reports.        

10.  Executive Session:  Held regarding personnel. Carol steps out briefly for Board to hold closed session. Upon completion of session, Board increases pay of General Manager .50 cents per hour, will authorize a $50 per month gas allowance and two weeks paid vacation a year. All effective new fiscal year (7/1/2022). Board members also note necessity to assist with purging of old records and learn basic operation of office.

Adjournment at 8:00 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting:  Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.

Submitted by

Carol Mauk,

General Manager/Secretary/Clerk