Thursday, September 28, 2023
August 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Agenda for September 26, 2023 Meeting
July 25, 2025 Meeting Minutes
(Approved August 22, 2023)
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:09 by President Schendel who leads Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Directors/Guests present: Low, Roeder-German and Craig all present, Director Stradling not present. No guests present.
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 6/28/2023, reconciliation reports and print out of bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Craig. Motion carried/items approved, no discussion/opposition.
4. Parks
Reports on both
parks received via email from Lucas Crank. Reviewed by Board. No action taken. Reyes Yard Service will clean up around both
parks for $400 per month. Switching
every other month. Carol will order No
Parking and No Soliciting signs for fencing near Rimrock.
Barstow Heights Park— everything seems fine with the park. Pole lights
currently not working to be reported to Edison for replacement. Flag
for this park will be placed inside office fencing.
b. Venner Park—Board decides not to purchase flag for this park at this time. Safe place needs to be determined. Reyes Landscaping will do the clean up around the outside of Venner Park. Pole lights currently not working to be reported to Edison for replacement. No other updates
5. Correspondence: Letter from SDRMA reviewed and discussed by Board. Carol will follow up with agency.
6. Office Building and
Area: No updates to report.
7. General Manager’s report: Written report submitted to Board at meeting. Discussion of Burrtec trash pick-up, twice a week pick up to be canceled as they are now placing and charging for recycling bins per state law. GSW is preparing for removal of underground pipes which will affect the parking in lot in specific areas. Discussing of entire resurfacing of park lot held. Motion by Director Roeder-German to purchase new office computer, second by Director Craig, motion passed, no opposition.
8. Directors’ Reports (roundtable): No reports offered.
9. Executive Session/Personnel GC54957.1: None required.
Adjournment at 7:04 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk