Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Minutes from 1/27 Meeting (approved 2/24/14)

January 27th, 2014
President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM and President Jacobs led the group in the flag salute.  Directors Jacobs, Schendel, and Wilkey, were present.  Guests in attendance were residents Jeanette Hayhurst and Robert Stapp, as well as Jerry Linebaugh and Wade Harris of Harris Construction.
President Jacobs welcomed the two newly appointed Directors and the Secretary issued the Oath of Office at the same time to both Director Hayhurst and Director Stapp.
President Jacobs acknowledged that we now had a full Board and that all Directors were present.  He also welcomed and thanked the guests for attending.  The election of new Board officers was addressed.  Director Jacobs opened the nominations for Board President.  Director Schendel motioned to appoint Director Jacobs as President of the Board of Barstow Heights Community Services District for the next two years.  Director Hayhurst seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Director Schendel motioned to appoint Director Stapp as the Vice President.  Director Hayhurst seconded the motion.  Director Stapp accepted the nomination and the motion carried unanimously.  Director Stapp motioned to nominate Director Wilkey as the new Safety Coordinator.  Director Schendel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Finally, Director Schendel motioned to appoint Director Hayhurst as the Clerk.  She accepted the nomination.  Director Stapp seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.
President Jacobs asked if any of the guests had any public comments/questions.  The secretary had a report from a resident that she needed to share on her behalf.  Resident Lesley Thompson reported on the previous Thursday that she suspects that animals in her neighborhood (near Crestview and L Street) are being poisoned.  She doesn’t know if it is accidental or intentional poisoning by one of her neighbors, but she has continued to find stray cats, kittens, and crows dead and dying in the desert near her home recently.  She took one sick feral cat to the vet and the vet said that it appeared to be poisoned and it was too late to try to save it.  The Board asked the Secretary to thank Ms. Thompson for the information and agreed that a warning should be shared on Facebook and on the Blog, so that residents are aware of the potential danger and to keep a closer eye on their pets.
President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items.  Director Schendel motioned to accept the Minutes of the November 18th, 2013 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for November and December of 2013 as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried with four votes.  Director Hayhurst abstained from the vote due to her absence at the November meeting.
The Correspondence file was offered for review.
H Street Park was addressed.  Bid 13-03, the proposed Covered Picnic Areas, Tables, and Benches, was addressed first.  The Board had voted to award the job to Harris Construction at the previous Board Meeting in November of 2013 and Harris Construction began the process to get a building permit.  Unfortunately, the County Building Department will be requiring a lot more before the project can proceed.  The County wants a complete set of site plans that includes a Topographical Survey of the entire park as well as all ADA parking and sidewalk routes to the canopies identified.  The original plans the Board presented to Harris Construction did not include all of those details, so further engineering work will be required for us to be able to comply with the new/current County Codes.  Mr. Wade Harris of Harris Construction had met with President Jacobs and Mike Casady of Merrell Johnson Engineering recently to inquire about what it would cost to get the Topographical Survey as well as all other required engineering specifics done.  They learned that furthermore, stricter County requirements dictate that we cannot just build the canopies as they are drawn up, but that they first have to be both foundationally and structurally engineered and that only a San Bernardino County pre-approved fabrication shop would be allowed to build/weld such structures for the job.  Mr. Harris also suggested that perhaps a pre-fabricated awning kit purchased from an authorized manufacturer be considered also, as it may be a faster and more economical option.  Mr. Harris had concerns that he might not be able to complete the job for the amount specified in our contract due to the increased costs of the engineering that wasn’t previously accounted for.  He also was uncertain if he would be able to complete the work in the designated time frame agreed to, because the engineering would take an additional 4-6 more weeks and the County’s approval could then take an additional 4-10 more weeks after that.
Mr. Harris presented the Board with a Proposal letter and Estimate from Merrell Johnson Engineering to do all of the engineering work that is needed (including a complete set of plans that could include multiple phases) for approximately $4,200 to as much as $7,000, depending on the exact scope of the work that the Board decides on.  The Directors asked a few questions for clarity.  Director Hayhurst expressed her appreciation to Harris Construction for their presence and explanations.  Mr. Harris reminded the Board that as the complexity of the project increases that the County Permit costs alone could also increase by as much $10,000.  Director Wilkey proposed the idea that the Board could pay for the engineering fees separately and apart from the contract already pending with Harris Construction, to reduce the engineering costs for Mr. Harris that were previously included in the original contract which could thus help him off-set any other potential cost increases he is likely to have.  Director Wilkey motioned that the Board approve a separate contract with Merrell Johnson Engineering to provide a complete set of site plans, the cost of which could be up to $7,000.  Motion seconded by Director Schendel.  Motion carried unanimously.
The Secretary was directed to contact Merrell Johnson Engineering to ask for a revised copy of the contract that specifies the agreement include the District only (and not Harris Construction). Then, the Secretary will distribute copies of the Contract to all of the Board Members, so the exact scope of the work can be reviewed and the contract can be signed and submitted quickly to get the job scheduled to begin within the next 4-6 weeks.  Mr. Harris agreed that in the meantime, he will research our Canopy options to help us determine whether the structural engineering for the canopies we could opt to have built will be necessary, or if we would rather go with a pre-manufactured Canopy that doesn’t require the engineering.  President Jacobs again thanked the guests, Mr. Wade Harris and Mr. Jerry Linebaugh, for attending, for being so helpful, and for all of their continued efforts.  They left the meeting at 7:01pm.
The Safety Check List from the City for H Street Park was reviewed.  President Jacobs updated the Board that he had recently discussed the two swings that had to be removed and needed replacing with Mark Gerardi.  Mr. Gerardi expected the replacement parts (8 toggles/hangers) to arrive any day, and will be able to replace them all as soon as he gets them.  The cost of the parts was approximately $900 due the high liability specifications that are required when manufacturing them.  We will be receiving a bill from the City to help cover our portion of those costs soon.  Director Stapp reported that he found one Ground Squirrel hole present on the West side underneath a barbecue about two weeks ago.  President Jacobs said he would take care of it.
The Board reviewed all of the recently completed projects.  Bid 13-04, the removal of one Cottonwood tree, two Elm trees, and a Creosote bush by Town & Country Tree Service was discussed briefly.  President Jacobs expressed his opinion in working with them this time that they did a very good job and that the grass is already starting to grow back.  The Office Compound job (sprinkler system repair and weed removal) was discussed briefly.  After needing to call Mr. Heald back several times to finish, the job is finally done to our satisfaction.  The new Irrigation system at Venner Park is also complete now, after having to call them back a few times to finish that job as well.  President Jacobs informed the Board that he was able to get a diagram drawn up with the help of Mark Gerardi that shows where all of the Sprinkler-heads are located at H Street Park, but that we still aren’t exactly sure where the underground water lines are.  It is likely that repairs and re-routing of the Sprinkler system will be necessary during the planned future Construction.  Director Wilkey expressed his interest in seeing the diagram and President Jacobs stated that he will definitely get a copy of it made for him.  President Jacobs also reported that he found a new phone number to use to call Edison to report any street lights that are out.  He used the new number to report the outage at Venner Park recently and they were very quick to get it fixed.  Director Stapp then reported something he noticed a few weeks ago at H Street Park.  A metal panel on the back side of the restrooms was bent around the edges and it appeared as if someone had been trying to open/break into it.  The Board agreed that it needs to be investigated and looked into further.
Venner Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  One deficiency was noted:  a section (near the edge) of concrete driveway by the front gate is broken.  The Board agreed that this could be a tripping hazard and needs to be replaced.  The Secretary was directed to contact Mark Gerardi to ask what we need to do to get it taken care of.
The Board reviewed the Final Draft of the Annual Audit FYE 6-30-13.  No changes from the previous preliminary draft copy were noted.  Director Schendel motioned to accept the Audit as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried with four votes.  Director Hayhurst abstained from the vote, commenting that she didn’t fully understand it yet and has some unanswered questions to figure out.

The Ethics Training (required course AB1234) was addressed.  Director Hayhurst and the Secretary already have Certificates that are valid for another year, but President Jacobs and Directors Schendel, Stapp, and Wilkey need to complete their courses again this month to become certified for another two years.

The Policy and Procedure Manual was addressed.  The Secretary reported that she updated the outline/index again and re-typed the General Manager Guidelines for their approval.  The revised list of Secretarial Duties and Office Procedures is almost complete.  She also provided the Board with the most current copy of the Code of Ethics for their reference.  She recommended the Board review it again next month while the Ethics Training is still fresh in their minds.  The Board will review/approve these Policies at next month’s Board Meeting.

The General Manager reported that she just completed the required Sexual Harrassment Prevention Training Webinar (AB1825) on February 15th and that a certificate of completion is being mailed to her.  She learned that it is a new requirement and that Board Members should also take this two-hour course every two years.  Unfortunately, the CSDA won’t be offering the class again until July 16th, 2014, so the Board may have to wait until then to get certified.  Director Hayhurst suggested that we check with the City and other local agencies that might be offering the course sooner.  The Secretary also informed the Board of Directors that the CSDA is offering quite a few free online classes for Board Members during the next few months that may be of interest to them.

The General Manager reported that she continues to keep the Blog (BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) updated with the most recent Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  We still have 99 followers on Facebook.  President Jacobs suggested that the Board take a new group photo at next month’s meeting and keep the Board photo on the blog current.  President Jacobs also told the Secretary that he has a new phone number to use to reach S. B. County Code Enforcement and he will get it to her soon so she has it for her records and to include in the next newsletter.  Director Hayhurst suggested that Secretary begin preparing now a list of topics to include in the next newsletter.

President Jacobs requested the Directors’ reports.  Director Hayhurst thanked the Board for welcoming her and said that she was very pleased with how productive and lively the meeting has been.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid.  She indicated there were none.  Director Stapp motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Director Hayhurst seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

President Jacobs asked if there was any New Business to address.  Director Hayhurst asked about the status of the Security Camera system and whether or not we need to look into updating it.  The Secretary added that the back-up power supply still needs to replaced and President Jacobs said he would sign a check to help her get that purchased next week.

The next Regular Meeting was scheduled for Monday, February 24th, 2014 at 6:00 PM.  The meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM.

Submitted by:  Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

Friday, February 21, 2014

Agenda for 2/24 Board Meeting

February 24, 2014 - 6:00 PM

1.   Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.   Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

3.   Public Comments/Questions

4.   Consent Items:                          Minutes – January 27, 2014
                                                     Financial Reports – January of 2014

5.   Correspondence

6.   Parks:             H Street:                  Bid 13-03:  Covered picnic areas (plaque)
                                                                 Safety Check List and Ground Squirrels
    Venner:                     Safety Check List

7.   Form 700

8.   Safety Review Report (quarterly)

9.   DCB Signature Card

10.  Annual Audit

11.  Ethics Training (required course AB1234)

12.  Policy and Procedures Manual

13.  General Manager’s Report

14.  Website (BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) and Facebook page activity

15.  Directors’ Reports

16.  Bills:               Edison - $96.59          Terminix - $36.00          Verizon - $90.26

17.  New Business

18.  Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99 (A) and Personnel GC54957.1

19.  Adjournment

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Warning to Keep your Pets Safe!

A Barstow Heights resident has reported that she suspects that animals in her neighborhood (near Crestview and L street) are being poisoned.   So far, the only animals we believe have been affected have been stray cats and kittens.  A feral cat was taken to a local vet who did confirm that he suspected poisoning as well, but it was too late to save it.  While it is unknown whether the suspected poisoning was accidental or intentional and we don't want to cause unnecessary alarm, we would like to at least inform residents in the area of the potential danger and remind you to please continue to keep a close eye on all of your pets.  Please be careful not to allow them to wander away from the safety of your own home/property.  If you have seen anything suspicious you would like to report or have any further information or concerns to share with the public,
please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you!