Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Minutes from 9/26/16 Meeting (approved 10/24/16)

Monday, September 26th, 2016

President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM and Director Hayhurst led the group in the flag salute. Directors Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, Wilkey, and Hayhurst were all present. There was one guest, a resident, Terri Walters, in attendance.

Terri Walters introduced herself as the neighborhood representative of NextDoor.com and reported that the online group she leads has grown to include 130 members (from H Street through P Street). She had a few concerns to make the Board aware of and request their input on, including:  1). The increase of signs that advertise businesses attached to the back sides of stop signs (in the right-of-way at intersections); some advertising repairs for hail-storm damage when the hail-storm was months ago, and 2). Complaints made about vehicles speeding too fast on P Street (a 45 mph zone). The Board discussed with her further some ideas to remedy these issues and suggested she contact the County Roads department about the signs also. The Board thanked Ms. Walters for all of the time she volunteers online to help the community, and she left the meeting at 6:14 PM.

The Consent Items were reviewed. Director Wilkey motioned to accept the Minutes of the August 22nd, 2016 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for August of 2016 as presented. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence file was offered for review. President Jacobs shared a flyer advertising the Pistachio Festival in Newberry Springs coming up on November 5th (the flyer was given to him when he attended a recent High Desert CSD Luncheon). He also highlighted an email and notes taken during a phone conversation between the Secretary and Mark Gerardi, confirming the removal of the rusted/unsafe trash-can lids and notifying her that new replacement lids are being ordered.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed in the past month. The report did confirm that the grass had been fertilized recently and that fence repairs (due to safety concerns) were in the process of being done. President Jacobs reported that he had talked with John Heald about the possibility of getting/planting a creosote bush and a pepper tree in the right-of-way between the fences, to remedy the privacy concerns of the neighbors next to the new shade canopy (as had been discussed at the previous meeting). An estimate for the job had not yet been received, so the Secretary will follow up on that. The Board opted to move the agenda item discussing the recent planting of four new trees to be addressed during closed executive session (due to its potential for becoming pending litigation). The sidewalk proposal from JDR Construction was discussed next. The Secretary explained that John Rowe didn’t recommend adding a gutter and curb next to the sidewalk as-is, because it would likely cause a water-flow problem that didn’t exist before. The dirt between the paved road and chain link fence is so hilly and uneven that it would require significant engineering and leveling in order to allow for a gutter with adequate slope and drainage. The current proposal received from JDR Construction was for the addition of a sidewalk for cosmetic purposes only (as one option to consider), alongside, up next to, and just South of a portion of the chain-link fence. The Board did not like the idea of the South edge of the concrete meeting flush/level with the dirt. They determined that more research (knowing exactly where the property lines and right-of-ways are) is necessary before any further discussion or decisions can be made pertaining to that project.

Venner Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues reported in the past month. The report did confirm that the grass had been fertilized recently and that most of the trees around the park (that staff could reach) were trimmed with a pole saw. The Long Range Plans list was skipped over due to the larger-than-usual list of agenda items left to cover.

The Office Building and Compound were addressed next. The Secretary updated the Board that so far, she has had two contractors come by to look at and take measurements of the kitchen that is in need of renovations. Proposals have not been received yet, but she expects some soon. She also updated the Board on the status of the new Security Camera System installation that had begun. Mel Wolf, owner of Hi Desert Alarm, had just visited that morning to check in, inspect what had been done, and see if we were ready for them finish the project. The proposal from JDR Construction to dig and put in an underground conduit (1” plastic PVC) for the electrical wiring that will connect the office building to the restroom building, so the other three cameras can be installed there, was addressed next. Director Hayhurst motioned to approve the bid for the conduit work to be done for $920. Director Wilkey seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

At 6:51pm, an updated copy of last month’s Safety Review Report was read aloud by the Safety Coordinator, Director Paul Wilkey. Director Hayhurst motioned to approve the report as revised. President Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The Board then addressed the safety issue that persuaded them to direct the Secretary to re-write the report in the first place; that being the chain-link fence repairs found necessary at Barstow Heights Park. The Board reviewed the quote from Ellis Fence Company to repair and replace top railing that poses a safety hazard (approximately 130 feet), as well as, to do miscellaneous repairs on barbed wire, chain link, bent posts, and any other safety issues found, around the park perimeter fence and parking lot fencing. President Jacobs motioned to approve the bid and hire Ellis Fence Company to do all of the work for a total of $2,060. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The Records Retention Policy was addressed. Director Hayhurst motioned that the Board adopt the standard Records Retention Policy, written and adopted by the State of California (and accessible online at: http://archives.cdn.sos.ca.gov/local-gov-program/pdf/records-management-8.pdf). Director Wilkey seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The General Manager reported that it had been a very busy and productive month. The auditor came to the office to complete the “field work” portion of the audit on Thursday 9/22. In preparation for the audit, the accountant had come to the office three separate times prior, to complete all of the accounting work on QuickBooks that she was required to do. The Secretary had also been in touch with Zapp Electric, and had received a proposal for a 500 watt outdoor LED light fixture to light up the basketball court at Barstow Heights Park. The price quoted was $1450 to install the lamp to the existing pole next to the office building. Unfortunately, the Secretary didn’t realize until later that mounting it to that pole won’t be an option because the pole is owned by Southern California Edison. She will contact them again to request a new proposal that includes the installation of a pole near the Southeast side of the Basketball Court, as well as, another quote for a “solar-powered” street lamp.

President Jacobs asked for the Directors’ Reports at 7:05 PM. Director Wilkey reported that Mark Gerardi had apologized to him and asked him to share with the Board his regrets for not always having the safety review checklists ready in prior months. Director Stapp expressed his concerns
about the condition of the roads during and after the water main upgrades that are being worked on. Director Hayhurst will ask her friend at the water company for a summary of the work that is planned (and on which streets) in future weeks, to get a better idea of what to expect. Lastly, President Jacobs voiced his concerns about a flyer he saw advertising a “Fun Day” event at Venner Park a few weeks prior, at which the public was charged a small fee for participation. He wondered if any of the public may have felt inconvenienced by it or if any were unhappy that the park was likely full to capacity that day.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She indicated that there were none. Director Stapp motioned to pay all of the bills as presented. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

There was no New Business to address. A closed Executive Session was requested at 7:15 PM. One item to be addressed would be possible litigation and the other item regarding personnel.

The meeting re-adjourned at 7:28 PM. Director Hayhurst motioned that inasmuch as the Board had requested just four trees be planted, that the Board pay for just four trees, and because 36” trees were planted (instead of the 48” trees that were agreed to), that the Board pay only the price quoted for the 36” trees ($1,100 per tree, including the deep root irrigation system), for a total of $4,400 payable to Unique Landscaping. Furthermore, since a deposit of $4,750 had already been paid, the District will respectfully request that the $350 over-payment be returned and that the two additional 24” trees (that were not agreed upon), be removed. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried with four votes in favor, and one Director (Wilkey) abstaining from the vote.

The Board returned to closed Executive Session to address personnel (and the Secretary left the meeting) at 7:31 PM.

The Secretary returned at 8:15 PM to discuss her annual employee evaluation with the Board and the meeting then reconvened at 8:32 PM. President Jacobs motioned to increase the General Manager/ Secretary’s pay by fifty cents an hour, bringing her salary up to $18.50 per hour (retro-active to July 1st, 2016). Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The next Regular Meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 24th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 8:34 PM.

Submitted by:  Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

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