Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Minutes from 2/26/18 Meeting (approved 3/26/18)

Monday, February 26th, 2018

President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and Director Stapp led the group in the flag salute. All five directors were present (Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, Hayhurst, and Low). There was one guest, Bill Little, County Roads Supervisor, in attendance.

Mr. Bill Little presented information to the Board about the upcoming road improvements planned in the Barstow Heights community. The road work is expected to begin May 14th and continue through June 28th. Mr. Little gave out flyers that explain the “chip sealing” process in detail. The flyers also list the specific streets and stretches of roadway that will be improved. Residents can expect some delays when driving through the road construction zones and are asked to please drive with extra caution and obey the 35 MPH speed limit. The secretary will have additional flyers available for residents to pick up from her office and will be sharing all of the information about the project given by Mr. Little, on the District’s website and Facebook page. The Board thanked Mr. Little and he left the meeting at 6:12 PM.

The Countywide Plan Survey was discussed. The Board agreed that they’d like to participate in the survey as individuals.

Form 700 was addressed. The Director’s reviewed and signed each of their forms so the secretary can submit them to the County.

The consent items were reviewed. Director Stapp motioned to accept the minutes of the January 22nd, 2018 meeting, along with the financial reports for January of 2018, as presented. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

The correspondence file was passed around for review.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The safety check list from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The report did state that the City had aerated the turf in both directions. President Jacobs reported that the ground squirrels continue to be under control. There was no new progress to report on the other dead pepper tree, other than the secretary had just received an email from Unique Landscaping, lettering her know that they would check it out again over the weekend and get back to her. President Jacobs reminded the Board of the need for at least three more trash cans, one near the south exit of the park and another two to replace the 55-gallon metal drum cans (that tip over easily) near the restrooms and basketball court at BHP. The secretary will ask John Rowe if he still has the three pedestal mounts that were unused and left-over from the most recent installs. Director Schendel motioned that the Board approve the purchase of three more trash cans, including the additional costs for three trash can liners and the installation, once they arrive. Director Stapp seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Venner Park was addressed. The safety check list from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The report stated that the City had aerated the turf in two different directions. Director Stapp had good news to report to the board about the shade cover project (two canopies to cover the playground areas at Venner Park and one to shade the playground at BHP). The installation is now set to begin on Wednesday, March 7th. The project is expected to take approximately 5-7 days to be completed. The secretary was asked for an update on the missing caps that need replacing (up high on top of the fitness equipment/poles) at Venner park. She reported that Mark Gerardi doesn’t have the information needed to get those parts ordered, so it will now be up to her to research and find the model numbers necessary to get the replacement parts ordered.

There was nothing new to report or discuss about the office building and compound.

The need to hire an Auditor for the FY 2017-18 was discussed. The board agreed that they would like to stay with the auditing firm the District has utilized for the most recent two years, The Pun Group, LLP. The secretary was directed to sign the engagement letter from The Pun Group, once she receives it.

The safety review report was read aloud by Director Stapp. President Jacobs motioned to approve the safety review report as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The secretary will mail a copy of the report to SDRMA, as is the usual procedure.

The general manager reported that the ShredYourDocs company will be coming to dispose of old boxes of files on Thursday 3/15. She then reminded the Directors that a few of them still need to complete their ethics compliance training courses online by March 15th. She also reminded the Directors to please deposit their checks before the end of each month when possible, to make it easier for the accountant to reconcile the checking account monthly.

President Jacobs asked if there were any directors reports. Director Hayhurst asked the secretary to get an estimate or two to have the yardwork done and kept up monthly around the office. Director Stapp mentioned that once the shade canopy project is completed, he would like to see a few more projects addressed, including possibly the sidewalks that have been discussed before, as well as, maybe some new playground equipment. President Jacobs recommended that the public be reminded to pick up their mail asap and before dark, due to the recent mail theft problem that has increased in the area in recent months.

President Jacobs asked the secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She indicated that there were none. Director Schendel motioned to pay all the bills, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

There was no new business to address and no executive session requested. The next regular meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 26th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Submitted by:
Jen Rubio
Secretary/General Manager

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