Monday, May 21st, 2018
President Stapp called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and Director Low led the group in the flag salute. Four of five directors were present (Stapp, Schendel, Hayhurst, and Low). Director Jacobs was unable to attend due to family obligations. There was one guest in attendance, Terri Peralta, who is employed by the City of Barstow as the Robert A. Sessions Memorial Sportspark Supervisor.
Special guest presenter, Terri Peralta, addressed the Board. She thanked the Directors for the great job they have been doing and added that the “new park improvements are shining and are not going unnoticed by the community.” She explained that she had been invited by Director Hayhurst to come educate the Board about some of the upgrades and improvements the City currently has in the works, specifically the new restrooms that are being installed. She was invited to present so the Board could gather information and ask questions to help them determine if similar new restrooms at the Districts’ parks might be an improvement to consider in the future. She shared details about the “drop-in” pre-fabricated restroom facilities the City was in the process of purchasing (from the Public Restroom Company), including their approximate costs. The new restrooms already in place at Fogelsong Park, that are also being planned for Dana Park, Sturnacle Park, and Lillian Park, will meet new gender-neutral requirements (and are thus, title 24 unisex compliant), will be fully ADA compliant, and will also include parking lots and pathways to them that meet all ADA requirements, as well. They are graffiti-resistant inside (diamond-plated stalls and surfaces that wipe clean easily and/or are easy to re-paint) and can be set to lock automatically from the outside at 9pm or whatever time they might wish to close them to the public at night. The Board expressed their gratitude to Terri Peralta for her informative presentation and she left the meeting at 6:37 PM.
The consent items were reviewed. Director Low motioned to accept the minutes of the April 23rd, 2018 meeting, along with the financial reports for April of 2018, as presented. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, with one Director (Hayhurst) abstaining from the vote.
The correspondence file was passed around for review. President Stapp noted that a letter from State Compensation Insurance Fund indicated a “modest” 6% rate increase. He was also concerned that the policy received still listed the former secretary, Debbie Garvin, as the contact person. The secretary will contact them again to request that they update their records to include the current/correct employee.
Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The safety check list from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. Director Jacobs continues to keep the ground squirrel population under control. President Stapp updated the board about the completion of the shade cover project. The installer had returned on Friday morning 5/18 to re-stretch and re-install the shade cover at BHP that wasn’t fitting properly before. The Directors informed the secretary that she should be receiving some kind of “notice of completion,” from the County and/or the contractor, and that the Board would need to have that certification (in writing) on hand before they can review and accept the project as completed, and before she can make the final payment. Some concerns about whether the other two shade canopies at Venner Park were also installed properly (tight enough) were also voiced and will need to be inspected again. The secretary reported that the three additional new trash cans are in the process of being ordered. All that was left for her to do was to get a check and the order confirmation form signed and returned to the manufacturer in the coming week. She had also received an email confirmation from John Rowe that he would add the solar light installation job to his schedule and let her know, as soon as he was certain, when that work can begin. Director Low confirmed that the two newly-replaced pepper trees were both alive and well.
Venner Park was addressed. The safety check list from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The board was very happy with how healthy and green the grass was currently looking.
The office building and compound was addressed. The board was very pleased with how great the yard was looking since the general manager had hired Al Fierro to do the weeding and upkeep around the office building bi-monthly. The secretary confirmed that he had trimmed the bushes, had done very detailed weeding and debris removal, and had gone above and beyond, even removing weeds from alongside the fence inside the parking lot, as well as, inside the water tower compound (a water company employee let him in, since the area is usually locked).
Potential capital improvements (Restrooms FY 2018-19) were discussed briefly. The board was happy to have been given so much information from Terri Peralta, that clarified and gave them a better idea of more possibilities and options they can consider. Other ideas shared and discussed briefly as possible capital improvements to consider included: sidewalks and curbs, bathroom upgrades instead of a full replacement, new roofing on the office building, new/upgraded playground equipment, and a decomposed granite foundation laid for a bounce house area (once the water tower is removed).
The 2018-19 FY Budget Workshop was held at 6:55 PM.
The general manager had nothing new to report that hadn’t already been covered.
President Stapp asked if there were any directors reports. Director Hayhurst thanked President Stapp for stepping up to take on the responsibilities of President.
President Stapp asked the secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She indicated that there were none. Director Hayhurst motioned to pay all the bills, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
There was no new business to address and no executive session requested. The next regular meeting was scheduled for, Monday, June 25th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM.
Submitted by:
Jen Rubio
Secretary/General Manager
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