Monday, June 25th, 2018
President Stapp called the meeting to order at 6:14 PM and Director Jacobs led the group in the flag salute. All five directors were present (Stapp, Jacobs, Schendel, Hayhurst, and Low). There were no guests in attendance.
The consent items were reviewed. Director Hayhurst motioned to accept the minutes of the May 21st, 2018 meeting, along with the financial reports for May of 2018, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, with one Director (Jacobs) abstaining from the vote.
The correspondence file was passed around for review. President Stapp called attention to a letter from Golden State Water Company welcoming the District as new customers. Prior to this, the District office building had been unmetered. In preparation for the removal of the water tower located in front of the building, the water company will now need to measure and charge for any future water usage, even though the amount of water used at the building is very minimal. It had been the water company’s decision in prior years to allow the district office building to remain unmetered.
Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. Director Jacobs continues to keep the ground squirrel population under control. He will be stopping by the office building soon to re-stock his supply of gas cartridges that he uses regularly. At 6:22pm the meeting was briefly interrupted by a park guest who opened the door to ask if there was a water spigot nearby that he could use.
President Stapp reported on the completion of the shade cover project. He and the secretary had been corresponding by email with several employees of APC Play in recent weeks. The District had requested signed inspection reports that verify the completion of the project and final approval by the County. As soon as these reports are submitted to the District, the board will review them, and the secretary will pay the 2nd and final invoice. When asked for an update on the three additional new trash cans that had been ordered for BHP, the secretary reported that she hadn’t yet received confirmation of the exact date they are to arrive, but that she did anticipate that they would be shipped to John Rowe very soon. She also reported that John Rowe had received the new solar light and would be installing it the next day. A Director asked if a permit would be required to install the light. She responded, that she didn’t believe it would be, but that she would ask John to be certain about that.
Venner Park was addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The secretary will keep trying to get an appointment with Sanchez Roofing for an estimate to perform maintenance on the roof of the office building.
The 2018-19 Budget Resolution 2018-1 was addressed. Director Hayhurst motioned to approve the budget, as presented. Director Schendel seconded the motion. The budget passed unanimously, and the budget resolution was then approved and adopted by the following roll call vote:
Robert M. Stapp, President Aye
Richard P. Jacobs Aye
Daryl R. Schendel Aye
Jeanette L. Hayhurst Aye
Gene Low Aye
The resolution was then signed, and the secretary will submit copies of it to the County of San Bernardino Auditor/Controller, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and the auditor, as is the standard procedure.
The long-range plans list (and potential capital improvements) were discussed. The board agreed that the roof of the office building and new playground equipment would likely be their next priorities. Director Schendel volunteered to oversee the possible restroom upgrades (including doors on the stalls) as well. The secretary was directed to make an appointment with an installation company to come inspect the playground equipment to help determine what pieces are most in need of replacement.
The general manager reported on some of the new questions that arose the week prior regarding Desert Community Bank, which had been bought out by another larger bank, resulting in some unexpected changes including not having received monthly statements for the savings account during the past two months, as well as, small fees per every check written. She reported that she would get answers and have those issues resolved by the next meeting. She then thanked Director Jacobs for his many years of service as the board President and presented him with a thank you card that had been signed by everyone present.
President Stapp asked if there were any directors reports. Director Jacobs reported his concerns about the recent broken window and break-in attempts at his neighbor’s home. Director Hayhurst reminded the secretary to have a new low-flow toilet installed at the office (as had been previously discussed at a prior meeting), once the water tower is removed as is expected by late fall or early winter.
President Stapp asked the secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She indicated that there were none. Director Jacobs motioned to pay all the bills, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The possibility of “going dark” and not holding a meeting during the month of July was discussed. The board agreed that a meeting might be held on the fourth Monday of July (7/23) IF deemed necessary, but unless there is urgent business to handle at that time, the board agreed that the next regular board meeting be scheduled for Monday, August 27th, 2018 at 6:00 PM.
There was no new business to address, but a closed executive session was requested to address personnel and the secretary left the meeting at 7:12 PM.
The secretary returned at 7:20 PM to discuss her annual employee evaluation with the board. The meeting then reconvened to open session at 7:21 PM. The board informed her officially that they had decided to increase her pay by $1 an hour starting July 1st, 2018. She thanked them, and the meeting adjourned 7:22 PM.
Submitted by: Jen Rubio
Secretary/General Manager
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