*******Approved 9/22/2020*******
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:27 by President Stapp, Pledge of Allegiance led by President Stapp.
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene Low and Jim Stradling. Guest Kyle Woolley present (late).
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 6/23/2020, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Schendel. Motion carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Correspondence: President Stapp reviews and notes that Kimberly Cox was elected to LAFCO Commission.
5. Parks:
a. Barstow Heights Park—
b. Venner Park—
Relating to both parks:
City trimmed trees inside locked area at Venner. Tree replacement at H St. is discussed, prices obtained by Carol and Director Schendel for fruitless mulberry trees. Kyle Woolley indicates City is on board to order replacement trees and plant. Board is receptive and will take further action at next month’s meeting if needed. Mr. Woolley also discusses with Board the current state of the parks and the staffing issues for the City. Currently staff is at a minimum and only necessary work is being done at all parks. City staff to explore moving wood chips from Venner to H St. to fill current voids. Empty places at Venner would then be filled with shaved rubber. More follow up next at next month’s meeting.
City has placed warning signs in parks relating to the Covid pandemic. Swings are still to be replaced, equipment is all area parks are only being replaced as breaking and classified as emergency at this time, basically due to staff shortage.
BHCSD contract with the City of Barstow expires in October. Meeting has been set with City personnel on September 14, 2020, time to be determined. President Stapp and Carol will attend meeting.
Director Low indicated the squirrel population is increasing. Directors Low and Stapp discuss future removal when weather cools down.
6. Office building and area: Sign for building will be replaced by Gregg Lint within a couple of weeks. The cameras that have bad lenses will cost about $600 to be replaced. Upgrade discussed at prior meeting is not required of current equipment. Motion by Director Low to replace two cameras at a cost of not to exceed $600 is made, second by Director Schendel, motion carries, no opposition.
7. Written General Manager’s report: Submitted to Board in advance for review. Brief discussion with Board regarding updated General Manager job description, By-Laws and Policies/Procedures manual. Carol is working on all of these and will submit to Board as completed for review, possible implementation and approval.
Written report to become a part of these minutes.
8. Directors’ reports: Director Low informs Board of the inability of Troy Burnett to trim mesquite trees at Venner due to locked gate of which this District has no key to unlock. City did trim those trees, but copies of said key(s) need to be provided. Carol will follow up with City regarding the issue.
No other reports given.
9. Registrar of Voters/Ballot: Due to Covid restrictions, confusion and vague communication, current Board members were unable to file candidacy papers for their open positions. No individual filed papers for the four open Board positions on the November ballot. ROV indicates a list of open offices/seats will go to the Board of Directors for subsequent appointment. Director Schendel noted “write-in” names and that option will be further explored. Board agrees to actively search for individual to fill open seat in time to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Carol will further research procedure.
10. Executive Session pursuant to GC 54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1(a)(6) is not required.
Adjournment at 7:33 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk
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