APPROVED 2-22-22
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:06 by President Stapp, Director Stradling leads Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel (slightly late), Gene Low, Ronald Stradling and Blythe Roeder-German. Kyle Woolley from City of Barstow present.
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 11/29/2021, minutes of 12/14/2021, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Roeder-German. Motion carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Parks:
a. BPRD Status: Mr. Woolley indicates staff/departments are still being re-organized and are very short staffed. He is giving a presentation regarding re-allocation of funds to parks to the City Council regarding and will include both Heights parks in that.
b. Barstow Heights Park—
(i) No update on application for grant that submitted in December. Carol will check on status.
(ii) Design pending. Two more companies needed to supply bids for replacement of play equipment. Different names brought up. Carol will check on this.
c. Venner Park— Back flow valve was damaged by thieves and parts stolen. Replaced by City. City will replace spring rider. Necessary manual was emailed to City.
5. Correspondence: Officer nominations/elections for LAFCO. Board reviews document about District Board responsibilities.
6. Office Building and Area: Nothing to report. Director Roeder makes motion to add Microwave to Kitchen, second by Director Low. Director Schendel has an extra one and will donate it to the District. Carol indicates squirrels still running/digging/burrowing near the building. Light pole needs looked at, light shuts off and turns back on.
7. General Manager’s report: Written report reviewed by Board. No discussion. Written report to become a part of these minutes. Carol notes Auditor is doing a thorough job.
8. Directors’ Reports (roundtable): None given.
a. Board Officers: Board agrees to leave officers as currently set, President is Director Stapp, V.P. is Director Schendel.
9. Street Conditions: Board agrees that something needs done and will look further into chain of command regarding repairs. Several roads have damage and need re-paved or repaired. Several complaints and comments have been made by residents.
10. Executive Session: Not required.
Adjournment at 7:16
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk