Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Minutes of 7/1/19 approved on 7/29/19

(for June) Monday, July 1, 2019
6:00 p.m.

1.  Meeting called to order at 6:08 by President Stapp.  Pledge of Allegiance led by Rob Stapp.
2.  Directors present: Gene Low and Jim Stradling. Not present; Daryl Schendel. Guest present; DeJong Smalls.
3.  Approval/consent items:
Minutes of 5/20/19, financial reports and bills/issued checks.  Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Stradling.  No opposition, items approved
4.  Correspondence is reviewed by President Stapp. No major issues to discuss.
5.  Parks:  No safety check lists provided by City of Barstow.  Carol received no response from Terri Peralta or Randy Crank.  She will follow up.
            b. & c.  Barstow Heights – bid from Play Power to repair/replace items to bring playground equipment up to standards is discussed by Board. Motion by Director Low to accept bid with a second by Director Stradling.  No opposition, motion approved. Carol will notify company.
                        Destroyed shade canopy is still pending.  Carol will follow up with Custom Shade Canopies regarding next step and time frame for replacement.
                        No contact from City regarding replacement of trees.
                        President Stapp will replace basketball nets at Venner Park. 
Director Low reports solar light in parking lot has been coming on and he will bring remote to Carol to keep at the office.
            a.  Park Maintenance agreement discussed by Board.  Renewal is Spring of 2020 for ratification of all parties.  President Stapp indicates he would like to have District’s proposal done by fall of 2019.  Carol will scan and email current agreement and email to all Board members, which will be reviewed at the next meeting.
6.  Office building and area: 
            a. Roof replacement – Board agrees that if Sanchez Roofing does not complete new roof by the end of July, a new contractor will be contacted.  Several dates of completion have come and passed, and roof needs done.
            b. Sign replacement revised bid of $750 (plus wood) is presented.  Motion by Director Low to approve with a second by Director Stradling, no opposition, motion is approved for new sign at a cost of not to exceed $850.  Carol will notify Kathy Fiero.  Window grates are addressed, and Al Fiero had revised his position on completion.  Director Low will contact his neighbor, Troy Burnett for a bid, anything under $400 can proceed without Board approval.
7.  Resolution 2019-2, Budget Resolution is called to a vote by Carol.  Affirmative votes by all Board Members present.  Resolution is adopted and signed by President Stapp (copy of which will become a permanent part of these minutes). (see office for copy)
8.  Resolution 2019-1, Adopting Board Vacancy Exception is presented.  Motion to call for a vote is made by Director Stradling with a second by Director Low.  Motion is approved with no opposition.  Vote cast by all Board Members present.  Resolution is adopted by unanimous vote, signed by President Stapp (copy of which will become a permanent part of these minutes).  (see office for copy)
9.  General manager’s report given by Carol. Summarized as follows: New blinds ordered for office windows.  New speakers purchased for computer and second monitor hooked up for convenience of work/meetings. CSDA Leadership Conference summary provided to Board.  Post office box renewal was June 30th, Rob and Carol will meet up to update box information.  Mark Rowan of Merrell Engineering was contacted regarding Beryl St. improvements. Carol will be signing up for a Records Retention seminar through CSDA set for July 30th.  Outside office landscape is being watered three times a week.  Carol reminds Board to cash their monthly checks.  Carol will be organizing procedures manuals for updates as time permits as well as clearing out unnecessary things.  Thursday holiday Carol will not be working.
10.  Directors’ reports.  None given by Director Low or Director Stradling.  President Stapp asks for clarification of Board officers and asks about time change for meeting.  After discussion, time will remain 6:00 p.m.  Previous project of sidewalk, curb and gutter on Beryl St. side of park is being revived.        
11.  Roundtable discussion, none at this meeting.
12.  Executive Session pursuant to GC 54956.9(A) is not required, however, session pursuant to GC 54957.1 is held.  Carol and guest are excused, and session is begun at 7:24 with conclusion at 7:31. Open meeting reconvenes and review of General Manager’s performance results in pay raise.  Carol thanks Board for their positive comments.

Adjournment at 7:33 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting:  Monday, July 29, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk

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