Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Minutes from 8/27 meeting and Agenda for 9/24 meeting



August 27th, 2012

President Jacobs opened the meeting at 6:04 PM and Director Wilkey led the group in the flag salute.  Directors Jacobs, King, and Wilkey, were present.  Director Stapp was not present.  Director Schendel entered the meeting at 6:10 PM. Guests in attendance were Barstow Heights residents, Norm and Tricia Sheppeard and Gene and Peggy Haines.

Mrs. Tricia Sheppeard, a resident on Turquoise, informed us that a “Smoke Tree” that used to grow on Crestview between O and P streets had gone missing just 3 days prior. It was a large tree that must have been pulled up suddenly and they are wondering why.  Mrs. Sheppeard brought in photos of the tree for us to see and the Board agreed that we would investigate it further and let them know what we find out.

President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items.  Director King motioned to accept the minutes of the July 16, 2012 Meeting, along with the Financial Report for July 2012 as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously with the stipulation that the Board requests that future meeting minutes be less detailed and more brief.

The Correspondence was offered for review.  President Jacobs expressed interest in a flyer/invitation to the Mojave Water Agency facilities mini-tour coming up on Thursday, November 8th in Apple Valley.

H Street Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  President Jacobs reported that the Ground Squirrels are back, so he and Director Stapp set off more cartridges last Friday.  Unfortunately, the Ground Squirrels look like they will continue to be an ongoing problem that will take more time and more effort.

The Bid Sheets for General Improvements were addressed. The secretary reported that she is working on typing these documents up, and that they are partially done, but she is going to need more input about some of the specific requirements the Board desires for each job. President Jacobs and Director King agreed that they would come up with a list of specific tasks required for the Parking Lot Paving Project at H street, which was the main Bid Sheet the secretary was feeling challenged by.  A Bid Sheet for Tree Inspections/Maintenance at H street Park, a Bid Sheet requesting Landscaping proposals for Venner Park, and a Request for proposals to remodel and renovate the Horseshoe pits at both H street and Venner Parks are in the works.

Venner Park was addressed.  The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed.  The Tot Turf Warranty recently received in the mail from Pacific Park and Playground (formerly Pacific Design Concepts) was reviewed.  Maintenance in the form of a rolled on coating of an aliphatic based urethane is recommended every 12-18 months. The secretary was directed to get copies of the Warranty and Maintenance information to Mark Gerardi and make sure that some action is taken to make sure the roll-coat maintenance is done 12 months from now. The secretary was also directed to talk with Mark Gerardi about our gopher problem to find out what kinds of remedies (traps?) we should look into using.

The Secretary was unable to provide the Board with an updated copy of the Fall 2012 Newsletter.  The computer file was mistakenly deleted, and had to be re-typed all over again.  The Secretary will finish up the reformatted Final Draft to be reviewed again at next month’s meeting.

President Jacobs read the letter of reply from County Road Maintenance regarding our request for further information about what kinds of road projects are in the works for the next fiscal year and beyond. We can expect to receive a list of future planned projects for FY2013-14 later this fiscal year.

The Dorothy Davis Estate Land was addressed.  President Jacobs has been in contact with Terri Peralta regarding whether the City has any interest in maintaining a possible new park there and is still waiting to hear back from her.  The Land on the corner of O street and Linda Vista is currently still up for sale.

The Board addressed the Auditor’s Agreement (engagement letter) from David B. Whitford Jr., CPA.  The letter proposed that his fee will not exceed $5,100 for audit services and $550 for other accounting work for the Fiscal Year 2011-12.  When asked, the secretary was able to determine that the fees for his services completed for us last year were $6,400 for audit services and $500 for other accounting work. President Jacobs motioned to sign the agreement/engagement letter.  Director Schendel seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  President Jacobs signed the three copies of the agreement and directed the secretary to return two of the copies by mail to the CPA as requested by him.

The Board addressed the request from a resident to e-mail her copies of the upcoming meeting Agendas and approved Minutes.  The Board agreed that this will be one of the Secretary’s general duties each month and that the Secretary should maintain a list of e-mail addresses to use that includes any and all residents who want to receive this information by e-mail each month.

The Secretary informed the Board that she has been working on designing a free Website/Blog (www.BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) that can be utilized to share online all of the things we are doing to benefit the community.  The Blog offers easy accessibility for the Public to help them stay informed about what we are discussing and planning.  The Meeting Agendas and approved Minutes can be posted every month and postings can include any other urgent/important information we want to share with our residents and those who enjoy using our Parks.  The Board agreed that as long as the Blog doesn’t prove to be too much of a demand for her time during office hours, that the Secretary can continue to update it.

The General Manager/Secretary reported that she was able to complete her required online Ethics Training course on August 7th and a copy of the certificate of completion has been received.  The Secretary informed the Board that the monthly High Desert Special Districts Luncheon at Los Domingo’s has been moved to the 2nd Wednesday afternoon of each month.  The next one will be on September 12th starting at Noon and all Board members are invited to attend along with her any time.  The Secretary also let the Board know that her office hours have officially changed to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 12:45-4:15pm and that her e-mail signature and the “office hours” sign on the gate have been updated to reflect this change.  President Jacobs reminded her that the office telephone answering machine needs updating also.

President Jacobs requested Director’s Reports. Director Schendel reported that he discovered a large sink hole on the South side of Church and M streets that needs to be reported to the County.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid.  She indicated there were none.  Director Schendel motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  There was no new business to address.

The next Regular Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 24th, 2012 at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jen Rubio - Secretary




September 24, 2012  6:00 PM

1.  Call to Order and Flag Salute

2.  Roll Call and Recognition of Guests

3.  Public Comments/Questions

4.  Consent Items:

     Minutes – August 27, 2012

     Financial Report – August 2012

5.  Correspondence

6.  Parks:  H Street:   Safety Check List, Ground Squirrels, General Improvements,

 Bid sheets for Horseshoe Pits, Parking Lot, and Trees

Venner:     Safety Check List, Gophers, General Improvements,

 Bid sheet for Landscaping proposals

      7.  Newsletter – Fall 2012 (final draft)

      8.  Dorothy Davis Estate - Land

     9.  Website (blog) and Facebook page (www.BarstowHeights.blogspot.com)

    10.  General Manager’s Report

    11.  Directors’ Reports

    12.  Bills:           Edison - $107.39          Terminix - $34.00          Verizon - $81.75                               

    13.  New Business

    14. Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1

    15. Adjournment

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