Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Minutes from 10/28 Meeting (approved 11/18/13)

October 28th, 2013

President Jacobs opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and the Secretary led the group in the flag salute.  Directors Jacobs, King, Stapp, and Wilkey were all present.  Director Schendel was not in attendance, but was expected to arrive shortly.  There were no guests in attendance.

President Jacobs requested that two items be added to the Agenda; the Safety Review Report and the new CD from the checking account.  President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items.  Director Stapp motioned to accept the Minutes of the September 23rd, 2013 Meeting, along with the Financial Report for September of 2013 as presented.  Director King seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence was offered for review.  President Jacobs highlighted the Board Roster that was received from the Clerk of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.  The Roster confirms that Jeanette Hayhurst is set to be appointed as a new Director in December 2013 and that Daryl Schendel’s term of office does not expire this year as the Elections Office had notified us, but rather will continue his term of office until December of 2015.  Once approved at the next meeting of the County Board of Supervisors, we can swear in our two new Directors during the Regular Meeting in either December or January of 2014.

H Street Park was addressed.  There was no Safety Check List from the City to review.  There was nothing new to report about the Ground Squirrel situation.  Director Schendel entered the meeting at 6:06 PM.  Bid 13-04, the removal of one Cottonwood tree, two Elm trees, and a Creosote bush was addressed.  President Jacobs was concerned that the one and only Bid received from Town & Country Tree Service did not list the job specifications correctly.  He wanted to be certain that they understand that the roots need to be removed 10 feet out from the base of the tree (20 ft. diameter), not a 20 foot circumference as their Estimate states.  Their Bid also doesn’t address whether or not they plan to remove any excess dirt that may be left.  The Secretary was directed to call T & C Tree Service to clarify the job specifications with them and to find out whether the Bid will remain the same price in light of these clarifications.  The Directors agreed that they would like to see more than one bid, so the Secretary was also directed to contact each of the other Tree Businesses that had received Bid requests from us by the end of the week.  She will ask each of them if they are still interested in the job and request that they provide a written estimate within the next week or two.  President Jacobs moved that Bid 13-04 be put on hold until further clarification is received from the bidders and that a Special Meeting may be called to address the Bids as soon as possible, if necessary.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Bid 13-03, the proposed Covered Picnic Areas, Tables, and Benches, was addressed.  President Jacobs suggested that since the project can’t move forward until the tree removal job is completed and because the Bids are still good for 60 days, that the Board wait to make a decision until the next meeting.  Concerns about whether requiring Prevailing Wages be paid as part of the job or not was also brought up.  The Secretary was directed to call LAFCO to find out for sure whether or not we are required to require Prevailing Wages be paid by the Contractors we hire.  Bid 13-03 was tabled until the next meeting when more clarification can be provided.  President Jacobs requested that the Sidewalks and Ramps to meet ADA be put back on the Agenda again next year after the Covered Picnic Areas job is complete.  The Secretary updated the Board that she did receive confirmation from the Secretary at Unique Landscaping that the Office Compound job (sprinkler system repair and weed removal) was put on the schedule and that they would be calling soon to let us know what date they will begin work.

Venner Park was addressed.  The was no Safety Check List from the City to review.  There was no further update from Unique Landscaping on the Irrigation for trees job, other than what was stated before; that we are on the schedule and they will let us know the date that they will begin the work soon. 

Director Wilkey felt that the Benches at Venner Park were not yet of urgent enough importance due to all the other jobs we have yet to get completed.  The Secretary was directed to put it back on the Agenda again later once the current jobs are closer to completion. The Secretary was also asked to follow up on and get an update from Mark Gerardi on the status of the lights at Venner Park that still needed replacing/repairing.

The Policy and Procedure Manual was addressed.  The Secretary reported that she has found a few more things in the files and that she believes she has found all of the ordinances and resolutions that should be included.  She hasn’t found anything that addresses Prevailing Wage requirements, so perhaps a Board Policy can be written on that and be added once she gets an answer about whether or not we are required to require Prevailing Wages.

The General Manager reported that she keeps the Blog (BarstowHeights.blogspot.com) updated by continuing to post the most recent Meeting Agendas and Minutes.  The Facebook page continues to have 97 followers, with no new activity to be reported.  The Directors asked the Secretary to make sure that Kay Lovato starts including the website address along with the Monthly Meeting notification that is published the Desert Dispatch newspaper every month prior to the meeting.  The General Manager also let the Board know that she brought chocolate cake and milk for everyone to enjoy after the meeting to celebrate both Director Wilkey’s Birthday and the 56 year anniversary of when the District was formed.  It was formed exactly 56 years to the day (10/28/1957) from the day of the Meeting.  Finally, the General Manager reported that Desert Community Bank had contacted her to let us know that the documentation for the Certificate of Deposit (CD #5), an investment of $70,000 from the Checking Account for a term of 6 months at 0.125% interest, was ready to be signed.  President Jacobs directed the Secretary to go ahead and go sign the documents early this week and he would then stop by later to sign them by the end of the week.

Director Stapp read the Safety Review Report dated August 26, 2013.  Director Schendel motioned to accept the report so the Secretary could mail it to SDRMA.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

President Jacobs requested the Directors’ reports.  Director Schendel reported that a pit bull had attacked some horses (near E Street) and that he was very concerned about it.  No one knew anything more about the incident.  President Jacobs reported that he has notified the County about the tree growing in the middle of the road as well as contacted County Code Enforcement about the trashed house that was discussed at the previous meeting.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid.  She indicated there were none.  Director King motioned to pay the bills as presented.  Director Wilkey seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The Board of Directors went into an Executive Session at 6:57 PM, to discuss personnel.

The Board reconvened to Regular Session at 7:27 PM.  Director Schendel motioned that the Board allow the General Manager/Secretary to work up to an additional 16 hours per month, with pay, only as necessary, to operate the District, permitting that the GM/Secretary keeps concise records of any additional hours used to help her manage her responsibilities, including what she accomplishes during that time.  Director Stapp seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

The next Regular Meeting was scheduled for Monday, November 18th, 2013 at 6:00 PM.  The meeting adjourned at 7:29 PM.

Submitted by:  Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

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