Wednesday, November 25, 2020

October 28, 2020 Minutes (approved 11/23/2020)

REGULAR MEETING MINUTES (approved 11/23/2020)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
6:00 p.m.
1. Meeting called to order at 6:09 by President Stapp who leads Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Directors present: Daryl Schendel, Gene Low and Jim Stradling. Guest Kyle Woolley present.
3. Approval/consent items: Minutes of 9/22/2020, financial reports and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Schendel to approve with a second by Director Low. Motion carried/items approved with no opposition.
4. Correspondence: President Stapp reviews and defers to end of meeting. **
5. Parks:
City Contract: Kyle Woolley presents signed contract with City to Board for approval. Discussion held. Contract items mostly remain as previously written with the increase in maintenance costs the City can cover, and the contract is up for renewal in five years. Motion by Director Stradling to approve contract as presented, second by Director Low. Motion carried/approved with no opposition.
a. Barstow Heights Park— Squirrel issues were addressed by President Stapp and Director Low both in the park and around the office complex. More supplies will be needed soon, Carol will check on ordering. Three 55-gallon trees will be planted starting next week to replace previously damaged ones. Noted in report was a bit of vandalism to the park during the October 17th weekend.
b. Venner Park—The beam at the park was destroyed and removed by the City. Recommendation is to replace them with stronger and more durable materials. Vandals hit the restroom building also on the weekend of October 17th and graffiti was significant. Torn canopy is still out for repair and Carol will check on the status. Possible worn nets that will be replaced if needed.
Relating to both parks:
Mr. Woolley presents park inspection lists to Board. Indicates minor repairs have been done or are needed at both parks. He also brings information from the Office of Grants and Local Services that both parks are on the list to receive funds. Carol will get more information and check on status. (Board excitedly discusses possible uses for grant money)
6. Election: Blythe Roeder-German has agreed to serve as Director on the Board and will be submitted for approval. Names of current Board members whose office is up will also be submitted for approval. Appointments for three four-year terms and one two-year term. Carol will follow up with procedure.
7. Office Building and Area: Sign for building has been installed. Squirrel evacuation was also done by President Stapp. Doorbell will be labeled.
8. Written/Oral General Manager’s report: Submitted to Board in advance for review. Regarding the power to the sprinkler system. Carol will investigate options to connect power from building to panel.
Written report to become a part of these minutes.
9. Directors’ reports: Director Low indicates the desire to contact County Roads Department for road repairs. Carol will follow up with Bill Little and post their contact information on District’s Internet pages. No reports from remaining Directors.
10. Executive Session pursuant to GC 54956.9(A) and GC 54957.1(a)(6) is not required.
**4. Correspondence: Discussion of items and Board agrees that the County wide plan project is not a part of this District. Conflict of Interest and Disclosure code adopted by Resolution 2014-1 on 9/22/2014 needs review as biennial notice of any amendments came due to the Board of Supervisors. This will be put on agenda for next meeting. Letter received from “Just Energy” out of Houston Texas will be researched by Carol.
Adjournment at 7:21 p.m.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. (tentative)
Submitted by
Carol Mauk,
General Manager/Secretary/Clerk

Welcome to New Director

The Barstow Heights Community Services District welcomes Blythe Roeder-German to the Board of Directors.  The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors approved the appointment at their meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 and Ms. Roeder-German was officially sworn in at the November 23, 2020 regular meeting.  Ms. Roeder-German is a long time resident of Barstow Heights and brings creativity and inspiration to the Board.  Looking forward to her contributions.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Week of November 23, 2020 Schedule

The office will be OPEN regular morning hours, 9-12:30 on 

Monday, November 23, and Wednesday, November 25, 2020 only.

Agenda for Meeting Monday, November 23, 2020

Regular Meeting Agenda

Monday, November 23, 2020 - 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: President Rob Stapp
Directors: Daryl Schendel, Gene Low, Jim Stradling
1. Call to order and Flag Salute
2. Roll call/Acknowledgment of guests/public comments/questions
3. Approval/Consent Items
Minutes of October 28, 2020
Financial/reconciliation reports
Financial Transaction print out
4. Correspondence
5. Parks
a. Barstow Heights
b. Venner
6. Office/work hours remainder of 2020
7. Office Building and Area
8. General Manager’s Report
9. Directors’ Report (roundtable)
10. Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1

Adjournment -- Next Meeting Date:
January 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, November 9, 2020

LifeStream in Critical Need of Blood Donations

LifeStream Blood Bank has a critical need for platelets and type O blood donations; however, all blood types are needed. LifeStream needs to collect 500 donations per day of all types to replenish the supply and meet the needs of area patients. Donors are strongly encouraged to give blood in the coming days to immediately rebuild the community blood supply. Walk-ins are welcome; to set an appointment and locate all donor locations, call (800) 879-4484 or visit  

LifeStream will be in Barstow on Tuesday, November 10, 2020.  Donors can start sign in at 1:00 p.m. and will be accepted until 6:30 p.m.

Parents Anonymous Launches Free Help Lines for Parents, Youth

Parents Anonymous® Inc. recently launched a California Parent & Youth Helpline and Online Parents Anonymous® Support Groups in response to the Coronavirus. The helpline provides free trauma-informed, evidenced-based emotional support to Parents, Children and Youth in any language via calls, text, live chat and email. The California Parent & Youth Helpline operates seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Parents can Join a Weekly Online Support Group NOW through the website: In this confidential setting, parents address their underlying emotions and build resiliency to strengthen their family. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Office Hours the week of November 9, 2020


Office Hours Change


The office will be OPEN regular morning hours, 9-12:30

Monday, November 9 and Tuesday, November 10, 2020.


The office will be CLOSED

Wednesday, November 11 and Thursday, November 12, 2020.