Thursday, January 26, 2023

November 29, 2022 minutes approved January 24, 2023


Tuesday, November 29, 2022  @6:00 p.m.

1.  Meeting called to order at 6:06 by President Stapp, Guest Lauren Stapp leads Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Directors present: Schendel, Low, Stradling, and Roeder-German. Guests Sabrina Ellis from City of Barstow, Lauren Stapp and Becci Craig.                                     

3.  Approval/consent items: Minutes of 10/4/2022, financial reconciliations and bills/issued checks. Motion by Director Schendel to approve with a second by Director Roeder-German. Motion carried/items approved with no discussion/opposition.         

4.  Parks: 

          Ms. Ellis is present, provides reports to Board on both parks. Issue with men’s urinal in H Park bathroom, public works to handle.  Wood chips needed for  under swings at both parks.  City will look into some type of filler for area.  Possibly replenish of all the wood chips closer to spring time.     

          Director Roeder-German met with City representatives and grants are available. The vacant land was discussed, and City would like to be a part of the process.  Further research to be done in 2023.

a.      Barstow Heights Park.

i.                   Grant status/update:  CEQA Notice of Exemption was filed and copy return.  Copy emailed to State with no reply yet.  Carol will send registered copy.

ii.                 Existing equipment. Tabled.

iii.              Tree replacement. To take place by the City in the spring.

b.     Venner Park— No issues to address.

5.  Correspondence:  Reviewed by President Stapp. None to review with Board.

6.  Office Building and Area: 

Al Fiero is back from vacation.  Need to contact him about removing five-gallon buckets in the back area.

a.     Information from Representative Rowe’s office. Issue pending for Director Roeder-German to be re-appointed and Rebecca Craig to be appointed.

                                                                         i.      Also noted, signers on bank account will have to be updated.

7.  General Manager’s report:  Written report given to Directors prior to meeting.  Item #9:  Will check on refuting charge. Item #10:  Director Schendel will check with C&M Fence about a different kind of gate latch.

8.  Directors’ Reports (roundtable):  Offered by Director Stradling who indicates spring toy at Venner Park is setting crooked.  Carol will contact the City for inspection of the bumble bee.  Director Schendel notes if District may be liable for the food venders that set up during the day.  Carol will check with the City regarding the “street venders” that are allowed to sell on street corners. President Stapp will be turning in District supplies to include squirrel eradication supplies, keys, basketball hoop and nets soon. No other reports/information given.       

9.  Executive Session:  Not needed.

****President Stapp leads and participates in final meeting as a Director as he did not seek re-election or re-appointment. Words of thanks and plaque present for 12 years of service to the District.****

Adjournment at 6:47 p.m.

Next Regular Meeting:  Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Submitted by

Carol Mauk,

General Manager/Secretary/Clerk

Friday, January 20, 2023

Agenda for January 24, 2023 Meeting

 Regular Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Facilitator:    

Directors: D. Schendel, G. Low, R. Stradling, B. Roeder-German, R. Craig

1.               1.       Call to order and Flag Salute

a.      Swearing in of appointed Board Members Roeder-German and Craig

2.       Roll call/Acknowledgment of guests/public comments/questions

3.        Approval/Consent Items

Minutes of November 29, 2022

Financial/reconciliation report

Financial Transaction print-out

4.  Parks

          a.  Barstow Heights

i. Existing equipment (inspection?)

          b.  Venner

5.  Correspondence

6.  Office Building and Area

7.  General Manager’s Report

8.  Directors’ Reports (roundtable)

9.  Executive Session – Litigation GC54956.99(A) and Personnel GC54957.1

Next Meeting Date: February 28, 2023