Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Minutes from 2/23/15 Meeting (approved 3/23/15)

Monday, February 23, 2015

President Jacobs called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM and Director Stapp led the group in the flag salute. Directors Jacobs, Schendel, Stapp, Wilkey, and Hayhurst were all present. There were no guests in attendance.

President Jacobs requested a motion on the Consent Items. Director Schendel motioned to accept the Minutes of the January 26th, 2015 Meeting, along with the Financial Reports for January of 2015 as presented. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

The Correspondence file was offered for review. President Jacobs noted a letter from SDRMA notifying the District that there would be no increase in the cost of the insurance policy premium in the coming year. He also noted letters from SDRMA and the Association of San Bernardino County Special Districts that informed the District about their Board vacancies and upcoming elections. President Jacobs also shared an invitation and request for a donation from the Disabled American Veteran’s for an upcoming barbecue/event. The Board agreed that in spite of it being a worthy cause, the District would be unable to donate to any charities for now.

Barstow Heights Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report was clean; there were no deficiencies noted. President Jacobs reported that the Ground Squirrel activity appears to be increasing. He will continue to use the gas cartridges as necessary as the weather warms up and more holes start to reappear. President Jacobs asked the Secretary about the outdoor Plaques to honor Mrs. Kelley and Ms. Davis. She responded that she had been notified that they were done and had attempted to pick them up on Friday and again that day, but the engraver’s shop had closed early. She reported that she will definitely have them within the coming week. Director Hayhurst suggested that the Board begin planning the installation of and a dedication ceremony for the Plaques at the next month’s meeting. The Secretary was directed to add the item to next month’s Agenda.

The Long Range Plans for Barstow Heights Park were addressed. President Jacobs reported that he had met with Mark Gerardi about various improvements the Board is considering, including the possible construction of a stairway at the top of the new ramp. Mr. Gerardi was happy with the idea and felt that steps would most likely remedy the foot traffic up and down the dirt slope that he had been concerned about. He suggested that the slope be monitored after the addition of the new stairs to see if it alleviates the need for covering the slope with any kind of river rock and cement mixture, as he believed it would. As far as the new trees were concerned, Mr. Gerardi didn’t have any specific requests for what kind(s) trees be planted, but did ask that the Board consider adding a deep watering system for any new trees that are planted. President Jacobs explained that a deep watering system would consist of a round pipe with holes in it buried 5-6 feet deep, with a bubbler in the center/end of it. Director Hayhurst reported that she had contacted the landscape specialist at Mojave Water Agency to ask what kind(s) of shade-bearing trees are most recommended for our climate. Ash trees were among those suggested. Fruitless Mulberry trees were also mentioned as they are considered to be one the most shade-bearing types of trees (largest canopy). The Board members will continue to research options for trees (including how many and where to put them) and will discuss it again at the next meeting.

The Board discussed the Bid-Proposal/Contract from John Rowe of JDR Construction to construct the stairway previously mentioned. The wording of the contract made it uncertain as to whether the Bid-Proposal included just one hand rail or a set of two hand rails; one on each side of the stairs as President Jacobs had requested and discussed with him. The Board agreed that they wanted to go ahead and get the project started either way, that a hand rail should be included on the North side (at least), and that an additional hand rail could always be added later IF it had not already been included in the initial price/bid as it was believed to be. Director Stapp suggested that the hand rails should also include skateboard deterrent knobs, even if it increases the cost a little. Director Schendel motioned to approve the contract with JDR Construction for $4,700 to build the concrete stairs and install hand rails, allowing for a slight increase in the price to include the addition of the skateboard deterrent knobs, but not to exceed $4,999 total. Director Hayhurst seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Secretary was directed to add the replacement of Wood Chips at both Playgrounds on to the Agenda for discussion next month. The Secretary was also asked to research prices for 3 more barbecues, 3 picnic tables, and 3 trash cans (#4 on the long range plans list) as well as research prices/options for a shade canopy over the Playground area (#9 on the long range plans list). Director Wilkey asked that the Secretary also research pricing/options for adding another light pole (LED energy efficient) on the East end of the basketball court, as well as replacing existing lights in front of the office with LED bulbs.

Venner Park was addressed. The Safety Check List from the City was reviewed. The report was clean; there were no deficiencies noted. The Secretary was directed to also look up the prices of additional benches that might be installed around the playground area while she is researching prices for picnic tables at Barstow Heights Park. Director Wilkey will take measurements and let the Secretary know the dimensions of the Playground and Fitness areas (at both Parks) so she can research prices/options for the shade canopies there also. President Jacobs will ask John Rowe if there is any way to make the basketball court a little less slippery (sanding/acid?) just on the one side where it has worn smooth and slick. The Secretary was directed to ask Mark Gerardi what he thinks about the situation as well.

The Office Building and Compound was addressed. The Secretary reported that Terminix had come to do a termite inspection on Thursday, February 5th. The building passed the inspection and is termite free. The Board was not interested in considering the termite preventative options they were offering and trying to sell. The long range plans list was addressed next. President Jacobs had helped to check item number one off of the list already by purchasing five new padded folding chairs from Costco for the Directors seating. The Secretary had also purchased a new office chair for her use that would need to be assembled. Further upgrade ideas for the office building and compound were discussed. The Secretary will update the list and cross items off as they are completed (with strikethrough type so the Board can still read what has been done). She will provide each Director with an updated copy to refer to at upcoming meetings.

The Audit agreement for upcoming FYE 2015 was discussed. The Board agreed that they needed more time to research the situation further before deciding whether to continue with Charles Z. Fedak & Company (previous firm hired) or to stay with Paul Kaymark, the former auditor with Fedak & Company, who recently began working with a new firm (The Pun Group). Director Wilkey will call Paul Kaymark to discuss further a few questions that were brought up.

Form 700 was addressed next. Directors were given their copies to review and sign or notify the Secretary if any corrections needed to be made. The Secretary will submit them to the County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.

The Safety Review Report was read aloud by the Safety Coordinator, Director Wilkey. President Jacobs motioned to accept the Safety Review Report. Director Stapp seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously. The Secretary will submit the report to SDRMA.

The General Manager reported that she will be completing her Ethics Compliance Training (AB1234) online on Wednesday, March 4th. She reported that, as directed, she had reimbursed herself for the mileage she drove to attend the Cal OES applicant’s briefing meeting in Rialto last November (140 miles at 57.5 cents per mile). She also reported that she had recently participated in a Conference Call with the San Bernardino County Elections Office. The County has proposed that all of the Special Districts that are set to have their Elections held in August 2015 (as we are), petition the County to have their Elections Consolidated to coincide with the November 2015 Elections. Doing this would reduce the cost that each District pays for their Election and the move to consolidate to just one Election Day this year (instead of two) would help the County cut their expenses and save money significantly as well. She will continue to stay in touch with the County Elections Office and follow their direction as to how to write up a Resolution for the Board to consider and pass at the next meeting. Director Hayhurst suggested that the Board petition to extend each of the Director’s terms for one year and request that the District be moved to even-year Elections instead of every odd-year. The Secretary will call the County to ask if that is also an option they would consider.

President Jacobs requested the Directors’ reports. Director Hayhurst reported that she had driven by to find and see the Smoke Tree that had grown back and was discussed at last month’s meeting. She was aware of a woman that does a presentation called “Saving the Ancients” who works to save native desert plants. Director Hayhurst had sent an email to ask if she would be willing to advocate for our Smoke Tree. She is hoping that with her help/influence the Board might be able to get the tree protected and/or relocated (if feasible) somewhere that it can be cared for properly and preserved. Director Wilkey had a question for the Secretary in regards to the current interest rates the District is getting on the Checking and Savings accounts. He also asked the Secretary to talk with Mark Gerardi to see if his crew would be able to remove the Creosote bush on the East end of the Basketball Court at Barstow Heights Park as well as repair the drinking fountain that was currently not working.

President Jacobs asked the Secretary if there were any additional bills to be paid. She indicated that there were none. Director Schendel motioned to pay all of the bills as presented. Director Wilkey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. There was no New Business to address and no Executive Session needed. The next Regular Meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 23rd at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at 7:29 PM.

Submitted by:  Jen Rubio - Secretary/General Manager

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