Monday, February 25th, 2019
All four board members
(Stapp, Jacobs, Schendel, and Low) arrived by 5:00 PM and immediately entered a
closed executive session to address new personnel. Job interviews with four
applicants for the General Manager/Secretary position began at 5:03 PM.
Appointments with the applicants had been set up to begin every 15 minutes (at 5:00,
5:15, 5:30, and 5:45 PM). The interviews concluded at 6:01 PM, and a five-minute
recess was taken before the start of the regular meeting.
President Stapp
called the regular (public) session of the meeting to order at 6:06 PM and
Director Low led the group in the flag salute. There were two guests, residents
DeJong Smalls and Jim Stradling, in attendance. The guests had been invited by
the secretary to come and learn more about the board vacancy and what is required
to fill the position. The board welcomed their guests and thanked them for
President Stapp requested
that item #4 on the agenda, discussion about who to hire for the general
manager/secretary position, be moved (to item #16), to be addressed near the
conclusion of the meeting, during the closed executive session.
The audit report
was reviewed and discussed. The auditor was not available to speak with the
board via conference call, as had been planned and anticipated. Director Jacobs
motioned to accept the audit report as presented. Director Low seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The consent items
were reviewed. The accountant and secretary had been unable to meet to
reconcile the accounts for January, so there were no financial reports to review.
Director Schendel motioned to accept the minutes only of the January 28th, 2019
meeting, as presented. Director Low seconded the motion. The motion carried
unanimously, with Director Jacobs abstaining from the vote due to his absence
from the previous board meeting.
correspondence file was passed around for review.
Barstow Heights
Park was addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow was reviewed.
There were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The report did state
that the City of Barstow Parks department is working with the water company to
see if any water-saving measures can be made. Director Jacobs continues to keep
the ground squirrel population under control. When asked about the plastic trash
can lid replacements, the
secretary reported that they had been ordered several weeks prior
and are expected
to be delivered to the City maintenance yard within 4-6 weeks.
Venner Park was
addressed. The safety checklist from the City of Barstow was reviewed. There
were no new safety or maintenance issues listed. The report did state that the
staff had done tree trimming there this month.
Page 2… (Minutes – February
25th, 2019)
When asked, the
secretary reported that the playground inspections that the board had approved
last month were scheduled to be completed by the certified inspection company,
Dynacon, during the first week of March.
The office
building and compound were addressed. The secretary had continued to stay in
touch with R. Sanchez Roofing. Due to the frequent heavy rain in recent weeks,
they were running several weeks behind schedule. She will continue to follow up
with them to secure a date for the work to begin as soon as possible. The
secretary will make sure Al Fiero is able to take the sign on the building down
a week or two before the roofing work is set to begin.
The board vacancy
was discussed in detail. The Directors asked the potential applicants why each
of them might be interested in serving as a board member (and they answered).
The board addressed a few of their questions and encouraged them both to submit
a resume and letter of interest before the next board meeting, so the board can
then choose someone to recommend to the County Board of Supervisors (to be
appointed in lieu of election).
The general
manager reported that a phone company technician had been to the office to
repair the phone line on Tuesday 2/5. The lines on the roof were damaged by
heavy rains back in late December. Due to the unavailability of the phone line,
the secretary had been using her personal cell phone for business. The repair
was free because the damage was to external wires. High Desert Alarm had also contacted
her a few times regarding interruptions to the alarm system because of the loss
of connection, and she was very pleased with the follow up service they were
President Stapp
asked if there were any directors reports and there were none.
President Stapp
asked the secretary if there were any additional bills to be presented. She
indicated that there were none. Director Low motioned to pay the bills, as
presented. Director Jacobs seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
A closed
executive session was requested to discuss new personnel and the guests left
the meeting at 6:50 PM. After a brief review of the applicants and further discussion,
the board called the regular meeting back to order at 6:59 PM. Director Jacobs
motioned to hire Carol Mauk as the new general manager and secretary and offer
her $19 per hour with an employee evaluation/review to be held in two months.
Director Schendel seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Director
Schendel will call Carol to offer her the position. If she accepts, then the
secretary will notify the other applicants of the decision later in the week.
The next regular
meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 25th at 6:00 PM. The meeting adjourned at
7:07 PM.
Submitted by: Jen
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